Lawns suck rule - eviltoast
    1 year ago

    I hate lawns. They suck water like nothing, require a lot of work and never look quite the way you want.

    But let’s keep things in perspective here. The big argument against lawns is water use. I agree. But in California, for example, all residential water use accounts for less than 15% of the total use of water in the state.

    If we want to save the environment we should start with what’s taking the remaining 85%.

      1 year ago

      My main argument against lawns is the massive amounts of pesticides, weed killers, and fertilizer they require to look like the ones in the picture. Coincidentally, that’s the point this meme is making.

      Also, just because lawns aren’t the worst possible use off water that you can think of, doesn’t make them not wastes of water. Just because almond farms in California use more water that lawns on the same state doesn’t change the fact that lawns waste water. Those same California almond farms sissy have nothing to do with the thousands of suburbs in other areas which have HOAs that require grass lawns.

      Aside from all that, not all of the 85% of industrial water usage is wasteful. Efficiency needs to be improved, but we do need to grow food to eat.

      So don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.