Google camera requires Google photos, is there any workaround? - eviltoast

I hate Google photos because I feel it’s too invasive with that cloud backup that you never really know if a photo is online or on device, so I disabled it in my Google Pixel.

Now Google camera is broken, says it can’t show previews until I enable Google photos again.

Is there any workaround? Tried with many other galleries, but seems it’s hard coded to Google photos…

  • @FeelzGoodMan420
    11 months ago

    I’m so confused. Sorry. Can’t you just unlink your account from photos and then delete them from cloud on desktop? I am currently using photos without an account and have never had an issue like this. And I HATE things that make you use accounts.

      • @FeelzGoodMan420
        11 months ago

        No it doesn’t. I mean maybe initially but just log out! I mean by all means keep it disabled. Do whatever you want. But there is an easy solution for your issue and it involves literally like 2 clicks. Sorry if i am misunderstanding the issue.