Windows updating just before thesis defense - eviltoast
  • @NaoPb
    1117 days ago

    Forced updates are still terrible.

      -817 days ago

      nah. at worst it’s the lesser of two evils. the alternative is keeping a crushing majority of the user base vulnerable forever because virtually no one likes to voluntarily update their os.

      • No, they’re terrible. Windows can and does know when a system is least in use and is supposed to handle this during those periods. Updates are important but this is an excessive and unnecessary way to fix the issue of people not performing their own updates.

          017 days ago

          … and it does handle this during those periods. unless you tell it not to. or set the non working hours wrong.

            1117 days ago

            I’ve frequently seen Windows ignore that setting and force the restart while the system is actively being used

            The mega corp neither needs or deserves your defense. They’ve fucked up the update system with Windows 10 and it’s not gotten any better since then.

              517 days ago

              Seconding this, I can’t think of a time that I’ve actually had windows respect my configured update window.

              I’d also like to point out how annoying it is that manually hitting the update button doesn’t seem to do anything. If I hit the button I want to dedicate the full system resources to updating right now, not just keep doing what it was doing but add a skinny thing.

      • Pfffft it’s so much easier to update when it doesn’t shut your shit down for 1hr and instead downloads 573MB of updates in a tiny window you can leave up while going about your business and can choose when to do it by typing “sudo dnf update -y” and your password into said tiny window.

        Besides, you can tell linux to auto update if you want, and you’ll never notice it doing so in the background (well it’ll likely tell you depending on the distro but if it didn’t, you’d never notice as it is non-intrusive.)

          017 days ago

          the download does happen in the background. the installation is what requires shutting down. i only find out there’s any update when the shutdown button is marked and whenever I’m done i tell it to install the update and shutdown. it’s really not as bad as you guys desperately seem to want it to be.

          • Oh my mistake, I didn’t mean to say the wrong part took 1hr+ and it was actually the other part, silly me. Meanwhile on linux there’s still no such annoyance. You do know we all used to use windows and got fed up with it’s bullshit and jumped ship right? You can stay a frog in boiling water all you want, those of us who jumped out of the pot can see the burner.

              016 days ago

              whatever floats your boat. keep getting things wrong so you can feel better about jumping ship i guess?

              • Lmao you really think “nuh uh the long annoying part isn’t the download it’s the install” is better than “well linux has neither issue” don’t you? Bless your heart.

                  16 days ago

                  … no? i guess you’re having a different conversation in your head than the one your eyes should be reading.

                  • Oh I forgot to mention “nuh uh windows doesn’t do that thing it definitely does, you and everyone else who ever experienced it are just crazy.”