I wasn't intending to but now that you mention it... - eviltoast
  • Flying Squid
    86 months ago

    Imagine thinking becoming a Democrat because Republicans went too far right actually makes you a centrist.

    America has two parties. A right-wing party and a far-right wing party.

    • @SpookyUnderwear
      -16 months ago

      Or, now hear me out, you don’t have to align with either of the two major American political parties. You don’t have to support either. What either party does or does not do has no bearing on my views on a subject.

      • Flying Squid
        36 months ago

        When did I say what he or you had to do?

        If you don’t like being criticized for your political position, keep it hidden and don’t get butthurt when people criticize someone else’s.

        Neither you nor he are granted a special dispensation to be free from criticism, sorry.