Ah, man. Hospitals are going to miss out on large amounts of revenue. T people are often life long customers. Though I’m sure this will get locked up in the courts like similar bills passed in other states.
Ah, man. Hospitals are going to miss out on large amounts of revenue. T people are often life long customers. Though I’m sure this will get locked up in the courts like similar bills passed in other states.
If you start fixing things, you’ll have nothing to campaign on.
Awesome. Finishing up XC3 (at about 175 hours). Plan to start FR sometime next month.
That game gets shit on a lot, but I’ve always enjoyed it. People don’t like it because it’s different.
Throughout the year I played:
-Secret of Mana (haven’t played in 15 years or so. Game still holds up)
-Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (and the Torna DLC). The main story is fantastic. A bit quantity of quality with all the Blades.
-The Legend of Zelda: TOTK. This game is great. Ultra hand blows this game wide open
-Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Finish this one up now and about to start the DLC. Story IMO is the poorest of the 3 games. But they took the best of the first two game’s battle mechanics and improved that system.
Probably XC2. It was a lot of fun.
“We will teach them our respectful ways. By force.”
If it does, that’s progress. As you stated, it’s inevitable. Anytime technology leaps forward, some will lose while others prosper. I’m sure when automobiles started to surge, the amount of horse breeders declined a bit.
Or, now hear me out, you don’t have to align with either of the two major American political parties. You don’t have to support either. What either party does or does not do has no bearing on my views on a subject.
You’re entitled to your opinion. It’s wrong, but you’re entitled to it. Centrists have views all across the political spectrum. One can support abortion rights while supporting the 2nd amendment. One can support smaller government (in a individuals life) while supporting more regulations for corporations.
They terk er jobs!
Remember when we used to shame people for “selling out”? Now we have an entire generation or two who can’t sell out faster enough. Crazy.
Replaced implies humans are no longer writing or creating art, which obviously isn’t the case. They just have more competition now.
Imagine thinking being a centrist is a bad thing. God forbid everyone’s views don’t align with yours.
Agreed. The person you’re responding to thinks it’s good because most people are aligned with his/her opinions. It’s currently nothing more than a large echo chamber. A fresh injection of users will do Lemmy well for diversity of thought.
The majority of mainstream media, save for Fox News (and perhaps one or two others) is left wing my American standards.
Which state requires you to provide a form of identification to accces adult content?
Haha copypasta.
That’s your opinion. Thus, subjective. You aren’t going to win this because you can’t prove what is and what is not privilege in this context.
The opposite would be, it is objective to say there is no “d” in the word privilege, based on every known and reliable source.
Who decides what is or is not an “outdated valued system”?