Does YouTube block mentions of uBlock Origin or Sponsorblock in comments? - eviltoast

I was trying to give pointers to people in comments but it seems whenever I wrote uBlock Origin, “u B lock”, SponsorBlock or “S p onSor Block” (without quotes) the comment would vanish within first minute.

Is this happening only to me/on this one specific video (in Czech, don’t want to link because I don’t agree with the points they said, though it was video about the adblock blocking of YT)?

  • @FeelzGoodMan420
    498 months ago

    They definitely block an absolute fuck ton of references. I had comments removed for simply saying the word Github.

      58 months ago

      I’ve had the word aliexpress get me a warning for “spam & scams”, and another very short comment got me a temporary ban. I have no idea why, maybe because it looked like fake engagement? I mentioned the phrase “youtube channel”. So strange.

      I feel like I shouldn’t keep putting my energy onto that platform and am looking for a good peertube instance to start uploading to.

      • @FeelzGoodMan420
        58 months ago

        I think Google and Youtube are straight fucking buttcheeks. That’s all there is to it. I also hope that an alternative will arrive.