The future is now - eviltoast
  • Interesting choice to romanize Japanese. Now you have to figure out which romanization system to use (I was surprised を was romanized as o and not wo). But I do get it, I guess, because you have to wonder it would only use Hiragana or mix Kanji in:

    • 大文字と小文字を無視する
    • だいもんじとこもじをむしする

    Well, for the sake of being international, we should just use Katakana everywhere. That’s the sanest suggestion (who’s with me?):

    • ダイモンジトコモジヲムシスル

    Of course, you’re kind of screwed on a TTY, since they don’t generally render unicode…so let’s go back to figuring out which romanization system to use.

      • @NaoPb
        48 months ago

        I don’t know what that symbol means, but I’ve always liked how it looks like a smiley face.

        • It doesn’t really mean anything on its own. It’s romanized as “Shi”. If you know your Japanese, you’ll know “Shi” is how you pronounce 死; or “Death”. The word is not usually written in Katakana, though. There’s also ツ, which is romanized as “Tsu”.

          • @NaoPb
            18 months ago

            Interesting, thank you ツ