For what purpose have you summoned me? - eviltoast
    39 months ago

    I’m not talking about vulgar Latin or the romance languages.

    For about a millenia and a half, everything that could be considered scholarship was written in Latin. Newton’s Principia Mathematica? Latin. Copernicus’ De revolutionibus orbium coelestium? Latin. Kepler’s Astronomia nova? Latin.

    Almost every educated person in the western world learned Latin. That’s how they communicated with their colleagues in other countries - letters written in Latin. That’s why it was a lingua franca.

    • MudMan
      29 months ago

      Yes? I think you may have missed my point in the shuffle.

      What I’m saying here is that Latin doesn’t make sense as a mystical, secret language for magic because it was too common. I’m not saying it wasn’t the language of scholars, I’m saying that not only was it the language of scholars, so every treatise on optics or history would have triggered accidental lightning bolts, but it was also a commonly spoken language as well.

      Hey, you know what is lingua franca for science while being widely spoken? English.

      Does that sound mystical to you?

        59 months ago

        If English had been a dead language for fifteen hundred years and was only used by people who talk about things only a tiny subset of the population understands?

        Yeah, it would seem pretty mystical.

        • MudMan
          29 months ago

          But that’s my point, it hasn’t been, and it wasn’t.

          Again, Latin was mandatory in my high school for a year, optional for two more. In the 1990s. It’s still optional, I believe. My parents went to church in Latin as kids.

          So no, it doesn’t sound mystical outside the anglosphere, it sounds like crusy old priests, lawyers and boring lessons. Today.

            19 months ago

            You are very much in the minority as someone who has studied Latin. Very few non-Catholic high schools even offer it, much less make it mandatory.

            And sure, Catholic mass was held in Latin back in the day. Personally, I suspect that’s a reason it’s associated with rituals and magic. What is a priest doing, if not invoking mystical powers beyond the understanding of man? What language would someone use to invoke the powers of Satan?

            Outside the anglosphere, I have no idea.

            • MudMan
              19 months ago

              Well, it took a minute, but you got to the point there in that last sentence.

        19 months ago

        I find it both hilarious that English is now the lingua franca of world commerce, and that that’s the term for it in English. It’s fitting, though, since I figure that the way English ransacks borrows from other languages is both a cause and effect of its success.