55% of women say listening to Joe Rogan is a red flag - eviltoast

Various nuggets of interest in this survey of Gen Z and millennials

  • @NewNewAccount@lemmy.world
    249 months ago

    fuck you for continuing this narrative that violence against people you don’t like is ok.

    When did they say or imply this?

    • @beteljuice@lemmy.ml
      -189 months ago

      You said you argued with your friend about Ngo being attacked but not being the victim. Come on, it’s not like your comment was 100 pages long.

      • @Sharkwellington@lemmy.one
        9 months ago

        They were probably using definition 2 from Merriam-Webster.

        attack verb at·tack ə-ˈtak attacked; attacking; attacks

        transitive verb

        1 : to set upon or work against forcefully attack an enemy fortification

        2 : to assail with unfriendly or bitter words a politician verbally attacked by critics

        3 : to begin to affect or to act on injuriously plants attacked by aphids


        a : to set to work on attack a problem

        b : to begin to eat (food) eagerly At the table he attacked his meal with such singleminded ferocity as to be, as Boswell put it, disgusting to those whose sensations were delicate.— Donald R. DeGlopper

        5 chess : to threaten (a piece) with immediate capture

        • @beteljuice@lemmy.ml
          -89 months ago

          Bullshit, by this definition every journalist is under attack. Ngo was famously attacked in public with a concrete “milkshake” for supposedly being a nazi. There are people on Lemmy in other forums defending this. There is no confusion here, so don’t sow it.

          • Grant_M
            59 months ago

            Ngo isn’t a journalist. He’s a Nazi.

          • @BossDj@lemm.ee
            59 months ago

            There, famously, were never any concrete milkshakes when he HAD A VEGAN MILKSHAKE POURED ON HIM FROM CLOSER UP. In the video, the empty cup softly bounces to the ground. Look at the pictures. He’s wet with milkshake. His lawsuit that he lost didn’t include it. He sued a bunch of random people for picking on him. But every lawsuit was either dropped or he lost. The only money he got was from 3 people who didn’t show up to trial, so the law says they had to pay some of the lawyer fees ONLY because they didn’t show up.

            One person punched him. That was wrong. One of the people he sued said she yelled and berated him (never touched him) because she’d had friends attacked and the assailants were spouting Ngo lies they’d seen on social media.

            You’re being lied to. Willingly. Don’t let that happen.

        • @BossDj@lemm.ee
          59 months ago

          He liked to hide in antifa crowds and they’d catch him and yell and him and pour food on him. One time he got punched and had a milkshake poured on him. Some MAGA cop got interviewed and said that he’d heard about people in other places putting cement in milkshakes. That was the time he’s referring to. He and right wing media made up a bunch of exaggerated bullshit lies to make that whiney baby into a martyr.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            19 months ago

            Yeah I just saw articles about Ngo charging and suing people but everything being found to be baseless accusations.

            Understandable why the right wingers would like him.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            19 months ago

            Thanks for the source.

            So the two that showed up were found not liable and the three that didn’t were found liable?

            How come in the article and headline it’s referred to as ‘alleged assault’?