"All you had to do was stick to oppressing your own people, and we would've kept looking the other way..." - eviltoast
  • @orrk@lemmy.world
    210 months ago

    Fun fact, the term tankie came about because some “lefties” decided to defend the imperialism of the Russian state bashing down dissident rioting populations in their imperial holdings, generally by driving a platoon of tanks in, and shooting if the crowd dosn’t disperse

    • PugJesus
      010 months ago

      Some say if you listen closely, you can hear them apologizing for atrocities to this day…

      • @orrk@lemmy.world
        210 months ago

        no, they still yell from the rooftops that it was perfectly justified and still somehow NATO is at fault.

        Chechnya doesn’t want to Russian? NATO COLOR REVOLUTION! Hungary doesn’t want to Russia? LITERAL NAZI DISSIDENTS CREATED BY NATO! Students protesting in China? TIENANMEN SQUARE NEVER HAPPENED. etc…