Google's increasingly prickly Android perception problem - eviltoast
  • Dharma Curious
    1610 months ago

    I used high end android for a long time. The note series, mainly. When I had to step away from that, I switched to LG. I fucking loved LG. They were awesome. Half the price, and damn good.

    Since they’ve stopped, I’ve had the pixel 6, and an A53. The pixel 6 was glitchy AF, and Google won’t allow HDMI over USB, which is a major use case for me, and the A53 just sort of sucks.

    I miss high end android. :( but I won’t switch to iOS. I hate how locked down it is, and I’ve never liked the feel of the OS. I’m considering the pixel again, but no HDMI is really fucking with me. :(

    • @SpookyUnderwear
      110 months ago

      Currently using an A53. After using some choice software to remove all the bloatware, with an exception or two I’m content with the phone. The camera stinks, but I knew that prior to purchase and I don’t take many pictures. It’s not the quickest phone I’ve ever used, but my needs are few. I don’t game, I don’t do much social media. For $350 this was a steal.