I’m more forgiving on your end since you’re young and you don’t know what you’re doing. I know my opinion doesn’t mean shit to you but one day you’ll understand why this is an absolutely terrible idea and why you are doing yourself a huge disservice. You’re wasting your previous youth on this. You really should be aiming to date much closer to your age range. My heart goes out to you. It really does. Maybe in 10 years you’ll remember this comment. Maybe not.
However I’m extremely ashamed at your BF. He should absolutely know better. Absolutely disgusting behavior on his part. I’m surprised he consented to having this picture posted publicly. Mindblowing.
Edit: I guess I’m also kind of a hypocrite because I watch porn, which is most often 19-24 year olds and older men. So I will admit this for fairness.
I’m more forgiving on your end since you’re young and you don’t know what you’re doing. I know my opinion doesn’t mean shit to you but one day you’ll understand why this is an absolutely terrible idea and why you are doing yourself a huge disservice. You’re wasting your previous youth on this. You really should be aiming to date much closer to your age range. My heart goes out to you. It really does. Maybe in 10 years you’ll remember this comment. Maybe not.
However I’m extremely ashamed at your BF. He should absolutely know better. Absolutely disgusting behavior on his part. I’m surprised he consented to having this picture posted publicly. Mindblowing.
Edit: I guess I’m also kind of a hypocrite because I watch porn, which is most often 19-24 year olds and older men. So I will admit this for fairness.