Wow, thanks for the extensive answer. Makes things much clearer. Unfortunatly I can only give one upvote.
Wow, thanks for the extensive answer. Makes things much clearer. Unfortunatly I can only give one upvote.
I was really wondering about that one. Thanks for answering.
Everyone here seems to be relaxed about tzhte fact that there will be vacant seats. Good to hear it’s just part of how the system works.
Leaving the parliament before the term ends is so uncommon here, I really don’t know what would happen.
Isn’t that terrifying news? I mean there are always actors not believing in democracy at all, but them being so powereful to blackmail members aout of parliament that’s a new level of fucked up.
Politicans gonna be Politicans, right?
So you are saying they are forced to leave parliament because there is Kompromat?
Everyone with two brain cells wants to stay away from facists, that part is clear.
What i don‘t understan is why they are vacating their parliament seat. Wouldn‘t it be better to stay and vote with the democrats?
Or better found a new conservative party? Considering there are several fed up members.
Are they only leaving the parliament or also the party?
Is there ELI5 for us Europeans?
Members of parliament are vacating their seat because they are not satisfied with what their party is doing? That would be seen as rather undemocratic over here. You would expect them to leave the party, maybe join a different one, or stay as an unaffilated member.
What will happen with the empty seats?
Just wait for OneDrive to crash. Wont take long.
„Torpfostenbewegungskrieg“ would be correct. I‘d prefer „Torpfostverschiebekrieg“ though.
Bei meiner Maschine läuft da noch ein Lüfter nach dem Öffnen, aber nur für ein pasr Minuten. Die Restlaufanzeige ist beim Öffnen aber schon auf Null.
Zeolith wird seeehr heiß, wenn es mi Wasser reagiert. Versucht das nicht zu Hause.