@trustnoone - eviltoast
  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Some things that worry me are “coding superstar” “your in a small team so must be able to do multiple roles” usually means you have to work put everything on your own without support, just i want moreeee im super wary if i hear “we’re like a family” normally means i want you to do things most companies cpuldnt ask for, like working extra hoirs without pay.

    Also i usually ask “how do you find working here” if they seem excited or happy i take it as a good sign, if they look worried, angry or theyre like “it takes time getting used to” im a bit wary.

  • L theananine for me to, works great though consult a doctor if you need.

    Mindfullness/quiet thinking - its important to understand youself to help calm down

    Lots of water can help regulate your system better

    Having it regulalry and slowly more and mor. I used to get anxious on coca cola. But i started moving to a small coffee, then a medium and now a large usually doesnt give me anxiety unless i have a strong shot