Let me take you one further: as long as we continue supporting the Democratic party at all, we will never have representatives that care for us.
I actually strongly disagree and think this is a super counter productive (and even dangerous) perspective. We need to change the two party system, I absolutely agree, but the political machinery in this country is basically engineered to create a two party system and abandoning the Dems is abandoning your seat at the table. Do I want to rebuild that machinery? Yes. Absolutely. Should we smash it and replace it with something better? 100%. Can we actually accomplish that by abandoning Dems? Not realistically. It’s a pipe dream.
All what you’re advocating for will accomplish, with the current balance of things as they are, is the further empowerment of Republicans. You’re like those Muslims that refused to vote for Kamala over Palestine and now Trump is giving Netanyahu all the guns he wants and talking about annexing Gaza. Those voters hold some responsibility for that outcome, as do people who speak as you do.
I’m not going to spend a bunch of time and energy arguing about this right now. I’ve said my piece (and doubt I’m going to change your mind, but this perspective needs to be responded to). Just abandoning the Dems is abandoning ANY meaningful seat you had at the political table for the sake of making a what amounts to an impotent and empty statement at the end of the day. HATING that fact to the point of not being able to process it or engage with it doesn’t make it not true.
I’m not going to spend more time on this today, but to be clear, I don’t think you’re a bad person or my enemy or your heart is in the wrong place. Just that this strategy is in a very counterproductive direction. <3