@techno156 - eviltoast
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It’s got a very TOS-style of writing and story to it.

    I remember seeing a fair few people pitch a fit about the Burn, for example, even though “angry man has a tantrum and nearly blows up the universe”, and “child with godlike powers” are common TOS plots.

    They tried something new, which I don’t mind them for, but I don’t think it mixed well with people being used to more TNG-styles plots, and the writing not being that great. Still, it managed to help kickstart the modern revival of Trek, and gave us (non-wheelchair) Captain Pike, so it wasn’t all bad.

  • There are certain devices that do do that, but it’s not a defibrillator. A defibrillator will stop/prevent an arrhythmia by stopping the heart, and letting it restart on its own (hoping that it goes to a normal rhythm), and delivering further shocks if it gets back into one.

    The device you’re looking for to help a heart beat again would be a pacer, or a pacemaker, which will shock the heart to force it to pump, and restore rhythm that way. They’re commonly used for conditions like heart failure, if the heartbeat generation systems/internal pacemaker can’t generate a heartbeat quickly enough to sustain life.