@sinovictorchan - eviltoast
  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2022

  • It is interesting how Israel use the Pax Americana self-contradiction to claim that rebels are terrorists when the rebels harm civilians, but then justify government attacks against civilians in the anti-terrorist terrorist attacks from the allegation that the government need to terrorist suspects within a crowd of civilians. The Azov thugs had been using Donbass civilians and even Kyiv civilians as hostages, but Pax Americana decided to blame Russians for the killing instead of the Azov terrorist thugs.

  • The Pax Americana mainstream news did brainwash people to practice this tribal double standard by framing the actions of both sides in fake context. The Pax Americana justify murder, property destruction, and terrorism under the excuse that anti-terrorist terrorism will save more lives However, the people who Pax Americana terriorized have the actual justification for violence unlike the US, NATO, and Bretton Woods institutions who use violence with no real justification other than for authoritarian rule.

  • The true Christian would not use this flawed logic and discrimination against people with mismatch sexual identity. According to my Hong Kong Canadian church community, the only claim that Christianity oppose diverse sexual identities and sexual orientation is from the claim that God want everyone to have the same sexual identification and orientation as Adam and Eve. The faithfulness to the monogamy norm does not apply in the Bible in this case. The people who use this twisted logic to justify hatred in the name of Christianity are people who worship their nationality and demons more than the true God of Christianity.

  • sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlYes
    6 months ago

    The lives of Europeans and Europeanb emigrants matters more than the lives of the people of color. That is why Pax Americana always avoid discussion about the continued imprisonment, planned starvation, and chemical attacks against Native Americans in federal reserve concentration camps until the prisoners surrender all the fruit of their labor and the reparation for the 150 years of fake school death camps that became the Nazi death camps.

  • I believe in the Liberal hypocrsies especially when they:

    • claimed to follow the redefinition of Capitalism to oppose government intervention into the economy, but then follow the original definition of Capitalism to implement heavy government intervention to support the rich 1% withe the Bretton Woods Institutions and racist white governments.

    • accuse Nazi German for the Nazi Holocaust, but continued their Indian Residential fake school Holocaust that inspired the Nazi Holocaust.

    • claimed to support property rights, but rob from Indigenous people under the pretense that the Indigenous people lack “proper” documentation of their properties.

    • force poor countries specialization in a very specific economic sector which made them financially unstable and economically dependent on a foreign country, but implement protectionism to protect economic sectors in Western European diaspora countries for “security” reason.

    • claim to oppose terrorism against innocent people, but then conduct terrorist attacks against a crowd of people to kill imagined terrorist suspects within the crowd of people.

    • claimed to oppose coerced confession, but support coerced confession against criminal and terrorist suspects and then use the coerced confession as the absolution evidence of guilt under the excuse that a person will never confess to crimes that they had not commited.

    • claimed to oppose authoritarian practices, but employ extremely crual torture practices that they developed from the Indian Residential fake schools against terrorist suspects under the excuse that torture and terrorism is the only method against terrorism.

  • Especially with the tradition to give land ownership to the people who first discovered it, the land thief by European immigrants which are illegal even under the European laws, the continued imprisonment of Indigenous people in dangerous barren federal reserve concentration camps until the prisoners surrender all the fruit of their labor, the current chemical attacks against Indigenous people in concentration camps, the inability to achieve promise to provide all the living necessities to imprisoned people in concentration camps, the Indian Residential fake school Holocaust that became the Nazi Holocaust, the inheritance thief of abducted or murdered children under the fake cultural assimilation project, the misuse of Indigenous parents’ funding in the Indian Residential fake schools under the promise to make the enslaved children into elites of European immigrant society, and the inability to provided reparation due to mismanagement by authoritarian corrupted European immigrant officers.

  • I can believe the independence claim from the First Nations especially with the 150 years of Indian Residential fake school Holocaust that is a predecessor to the Nazi Holocaust with the mass violance, savage indoctrination, torture tools like electric chairs that they now used in Afghanistan, rampart rape of underaged children, mass murder of children, forced labor, child labor, chiuld abuses, crimes against humanity, unethical human experimentations, reduction of children’s name into experimental number, allowance wage thief, inheritance thief, and misuse of Native American fundings. The Western European diaspora condemn imagined atrocities by the Communists and the reign of terror by successful countries of color, but they disregard the evidences of racist holocaust by their own governments that had become well known since the Cold War.

    They Western European diaspora believed in the lies by their Satanist (from the European Christian criteria) politicians like Stephen Harpers that the fake school holocaust against First Nation children were only “cultural genocide” that hides their hypocrisies, disorganized crimes by a few white adult slave drivers, and high quality “education” that has no relation with the savage indoctrination of the fake school survivors. Stephen Harpers in his fake Truth and Reconciliation even claim that some fake school survivors desire a return to the live in the Residential fake schools while hiding the fact that it is only because of the inability of the survivors to return to civilization after the savage upbringing in the fake schools as children. They also hide the fact that the European immigrant had promised high quality education, luxurious living conditions, and promise to make their children into elites of European immigrant society to gain the cooperation and funding from Indigenous parents for the enslavement and murder of their children. The Western European immigrants are now lying that reparation and the fruit of your labor are “free money” to you, that racial equity and freedom of relocation are “special privilege”, and that basic citizenship, basic human rights, and property ownership rights are “special status” in their effort to claim that everything that all European immigrants take for granted will spoiled Indigenous people.

  • It is a plot by Bourgeois to create conflicts between the working class ever since the British empire implemented the racist caste system in their American colonies to prevent the union between white indenture servants and black slaves. When the US and other British diaspora countries gained independence from the British empire, they decided to continue and even entranced the racist caste system for the infighting. Although the staged racist infighting between privileged white freeriders and illegal immigrants is a reason for the Pax Americana support to terrorists and tyrants in other countries, the main reason that the British idaspora elites are creating the illegal immigration through intentionally displaced refugee is the need to sustain slave laborers that they cannot outsourced through the Bretton Woods institutions since they had robbed the hard working, innovation, and successful Native Americans, Inuits, and Metis through the 150 years of fake school holocaust that Nazi German copied.

  • If Israel did attack aid seekers, then their justification would be that the aid trucks were somehow terrorist vehicles in disguise or that the terrorist suspects were somehow among the crowd of aid seekers. The Pax Americana propaganda machine did made the now deproven accusation that Venezuela Socialist Maduro destroyed humanitarian aid trucks that approached border to Venezuela, and this logic means that the Pax Americana would have no excuse for the attacks against humanitarian aid trucks in Gaza as well. I also want to ask why Israel is using the concealment of terrorists within civilian crowd as an excuse to shoot at civilians aboveground when they claimed that the terrorists are located underground.

  • Analysis of the article that is seemingly biased towards Pax Americana:

    • The Kyiv government have inferior military resource in both quality and quantity. This implies that the claim by Pax Americana news outlet that Russians used outdated weapons that is so inaccurate that it targets civilians by mistake was a mere projection of attacks on civilians by Kyiv and Azov thugs.
    • The Kyiv government depends completely on USA government for support against the humanitarian intervention from Russia. This implies that Euromaiden Kyiv government lack democratic support which implied that the 2019 Ukraine election was rigged or unrepresentative of the whole Ukraine population.
    • Putin engaged in attrition which gave advantage to Russians since it cause the slow loss of military supplies, morality of troops, and external support of Euromaiden Kyiv while Russia have sufficient supplies and support for the humanitarian intervention. This implied that the claim by Pax Americana that Putin is losing military resources, morality of soldiers, and support was a lie. It also contradicts the previous Pax Americana claim that Putin was wasting too much national resource in the war or that Putin was aggressively expanding Russian “occupation” of Ukraine. This also has the implication that Putin honestly follows his claim to only engage in humanitarian intervention for protection of rebelling states.
    • The article did not mention the justification that Putin have for the military intervention nor the context which implies genuine Pax Americana biases.

  • All of hamas could have hidden in undergound bunkers

    Israel follow the Pax Americana the policy to terrorize civilians with the hope that at least one terrorist suspect among the population will die from the counter-terrorism’s terrorism. Not only is this a double standard, it also dismiss the commonsense procedure of modern states to search and capture rebel suspects. Despite the Cold War anti-Comminist slanders, the Pax Americana did not even lied that Communist government murder a crowd of civilians just to kill a political enemy even when they could apply their typical tactic to project the brutality of pre-communit regimes onto Communism to lie that USSR follow the late Russian king to murder a crowd of civilians just to kill suspected dissenters.

  • The EU farmers can gain political privileges for protest and voice because the Western European diaspora with their Bretton Woods institutions and Pax Americana order do not follow their Neo-Liberal policy to make a country specialize on only one industry that creates foreign dependency to rich countries and high vulnerability from collapse of international market. The Bretton Woods institutions provide free financial services to the Western European, Western European diaspora, and Japan without the condition of implementation of Neo-Liberal polcies because the rich countries could somehow gain success without Nei-Liberalism even as they demand former European colonies to follow the Neo-Liberal polices that never worked in practice.

  • Like the European immigrantes who illegally took all the land that the First Nations worked hard for through military coercion and inheritance theif from the 150 years of fake school Holocaust that inspired the Nazi Holocaust? You should not complain about foreign occupation because the Western European diaspora boost that buying land is part of free market, freedom, meritocracy, and “civilization by colonizers” who are supposedly responsible for all the prosperity of the colonized people. Since the Western European diaspora deny their racist double standards, I am sure that the Western European diaspora will openly sell their land and properties to foreigners especially when the foreigners had buy land more legally and ethically than the Western European diaspora tradition of fake school genocide that the Nazi German imitated. The Weatern European diaspora might even praise occupation of the stolen land by foreigners as a Western European colonial tradition to civilize the natives just as the US establish military base across the world to impose dictatorship and a command economy.