@sibachian - eviltoast
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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: April 15th, 2020

  • sibachian@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlWhich distro?
    21 hours ago

    nah, it’s basically my experience with flatpak and snaps on ANY distro on ANY machine. the fact that everyone’s moving to this crap is beyond me. Am I the only person on the planet that expects a modern computer to run snappier than a PC from early 2000? sure seems like it sometimes, especially when pretty much any software released since 2018 runs electron. Hell, now every manufacturer is moving to ARM like it’s some revolutionary hardware - no, it just vastly improved energy usage AT THE EXPENSE OF PERFORMANCE. we might as well stick with what we have and just pump less energy into the damn thing and have the exact same results.


    I get the convenience; I do …but it can’t possibly be worth the sacrifices?? sigh.

    the day of coders who knew what they were doing is long since gone. now it’s just click and play frameworks to pump out garbage and oversaturate the ecosystem.

  • not even “still on facebook”, since 2020, the surge of people moving TO facebook instead of away of facebook has increased tremendously.

    the traditional second hand market sites are dying because facebook marketplace is taking over.

    traditional websites and helpdesk/support channels are dying because companies are switching to facebook pages and messenger/whatsapp.

    old school forums have more or less been entirely replaced by facebook groups.

    alternative chat platforms have more or less died because of messenger.

    branding is nearly gone everywhere and has been replaced by instagram.

    the list goes on.

    and imo the worst part is, facebooks policy and technical offering is inferior to the alternatives people are moving away from. and the only reason everyone is moving to facebook is because everyone is moving to facebook.

    the day Mastodon offers Groups, I will be advertising the move to Mastodon and shortly shut down the groups I run. Though, Groups was supposed to be out already last year and yet we’re in 2024 and nothing is happening. If they had managed to stick to schedule it would have been a golden opportunity because a lot of people were looking for alternatives (but found none), when facebook went ham on their policy. but as there was no alternatives, everyone’s back on facebook just circumventing the policies (for now).

  • sweden is well known for bowing to US requests. just look at the history of the unlawful attacks on the piratebay and the sham court they were passed through to get sentenced on no broken laws.

    not to mention Sweden’s constant bullshit in other data related sectors pushing american (hollywood) agendas into EU (and thankfully failing). the pay to take action against the will of the people IN A DEMOCRACY must be the recipe for immortality or some such because i don’t see why they would otherwise be able to legally betray their countrymen.

  • not at all. mint offers a bunch of features ‘exclusive’ to mint as an integration with their system. of course it’s all open source and you could install it on any other system. but the key important factor with mint is that everything ‘just works’ with a fresh install, no customization necessary - which is something that can’t be said about any other distro, including Ubuntu. it is the only distro i recommend for non-pc users as there is no chance they will brick it.

    regardless, KDE is just a DE. you won’t get the same mint experience of course, since it isn’t officially supported (and indeed, only cinnamon offers the complete mint experience), but installing KDE on mint is easy enough if you insist on using it.

  • honestly, mistborn isn’t very good and there is no reason you can’t just immediately jump on stormlight. yes, there are tons of references and characters which does make stormlight awesome because you’ll go “omg no way! it’s HIM!”, but it isn’t strictly necessary because stormlight doesn’t actually assume you’ve read the previous cosmere books (few exceptions where brandon just teases too much it takes away from the plot, i.e. the mysterious scarf wearing woman. yes, we get it, it’s the princess from warbreaker, and she’s looking for one of the gods from warbreaker, that we’re also familiar with, and the god in turn is looking for his weapon). but ultimately these characters have their own story arcs and most of them aren’t immediately important to the plot and more like easter eggs.

    now, i should point out that … i really don’t care for mistborn. and for now, it doesn’t matter. but after the next stormlight book, there will be an in-world timeskip, and then another 3-6 mistborn books, and then both the mistborn series and the stormlight series become one joint series.

    but there is really no reason to read stormlight before mistborn in its current state because the only real way you’ll know for sure one of the hidden characters in stormlight is a particularly well loved character from mistborn is if you read the wiki. there is also a guest appearance of another character in i think the first book but it doesn’t make sense in the timeline and it’s inconsequential to the plot in every way.