@nabax - eviltoast
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • 15 years ago I went for the shittier paid but awesomer job. I jumped from there to slightly less awesome but increasingly better paid jobs three times since then. Now I’m handsomely paid, and my job is still reasonably interesting.

    That said, at one point I was desperate enough to start hunting for very shitty jobs with great salaries. I was saved by an absolute stike of luck.

    What I guess I’m saying is I don’t regret my decision back then. I don’t know what you do but in my line of work you can pretty much always find a job that sucks ass but pays well, and what’s scarcer is jobs that actually are fun and interesting. If that’s your case, too, go for the interesting job. If you’re lucky you can keep jumping interesting jobs with higher salaries, if not you can always jump ships and work a boring good paid one.