I’ll second bitwarden. I also have proton-pass but use bitwarden.
I’ll second bitwarden. I also have proton-pass but use bitwarden.
That’s actually kinda depressing. Unity is a shitty company.
What the actual fuck
Well I was able to add more images but the gif didn’t save for some reason. Thanks for the suggestions.
Good advice, how do I add more than one image here? Maybe I just don’t know what I’m doing.
Thank you for the kind words on the design, I thought it turned out pretty great too, I definitely should have made her put the order in first, but you know… life lessons and all that.
Sure you can let me know what you think about it, though to be completely honest, it was her ideas that I just implemented, but I’d love to make it better.
Codium with a markdown plugin gives both edit and preview with syntax highlighting. Add in Genie extension with a chatgpt api key and you can really do some cool stuff
Feel free to message me if you want more info
The fact it’s in fdroid is great
This is really sold advice
I did not realize they had an authenticator… That would be convenient. I think I’ll do that.
I think I need an education. What do you mean if I have the key? When I look at bitwarden settings, I do see a setting for “Log in with passkey” but it’s different than the Two-step login. EDIT: wait, I think I see, under the two-step login there are providers for Authenticator app, Passkey, yubico key, or duo. I think I get it now.
I hired a nutritionist for a while specifically for soccer. She sent me a chart, that I don’t have handy of course that basically gives you a 4 hour window of how to eat.
4 hours before, a medium amount of low fat protein and a large amount of carbs. Add a bit of sodium/potassium.
3hours before less protein about the same carbs.
2hours before no protein only carbs
1 hour if you have too, only carbs. Example here is granola, or edamame.
In all cases it’s easier to avoid meat based protein before, as they are too high in fat.
Post game eat a large amount of protein and a large amount of carbs. Replace your electrolytes with something like coconut water as it has a lot more than gatorade. (Magnesium for example)
Personal examples, Ive found these fig bars from Costco that have 3g fiber and 3g protein, are small so they fit in my gym bag easy. I’ll eat them pre gane, and these wafer protein bars that actually taste good for post game. If I remember I’ll edit the post for them. Body Armor literally from costco, is the best sports drink I’ve found, minimal sugar, tastes fine and has the most electrolytes diversity.
Oat milk is even better IMO. Nutty flavor just builds into the coffee perfectly.
I haven’t played it, but I just added it to my wish list. Another you might like, rimworld, but change it’s storyteller settings to peaceful.
Sometimes it matters where you live. Eating vegan in Portland Oregon is trivial compared to say… Boise ID. I’m not a great cook, but I’ve managed to learn the basics of cooking carbs, protein and fats. Once you learn how to make and eat satisfying meals, it gets easier. Also, failing on your diet happens. Sometimes that burrito is rice beans and cow cheese but the alternatives are unacceptable. It happens, especially if you aren’t cooking all your meals.
I can second this book. But also, I’ve not been able to finish it.
Yeah, but it also usually outperforms SPY.
He probably has a day job