Just stop speaking in riddles man.
Just stop speaking in riddles man.
Sure, but that’s entirely their choice to make. It’s not comparable to when they bought exclusively.
I don’t see what was supposed to be funny but sure.
Just seems like you can’t accept that you were wrong 🤷
Keep track of your own stuff dude.
Epic is the publisher. Of course they want to use their own platform to publish their own games.
Why do you even mean by “lost cash”? If you lost it, find it. Can’t you keep track of your money or what?
That’s likely because news is often being posted as soon as possible and later updated with new information. It’s not like the olden days where the news has to be printed.
I also suspect that the news are careful to post names even if they know them because they don’t want to hurt or offend the victim (if alive) and relatives. It must be pretty awful to find out from the news that someone you love committed suicide. IMO journalists should seek consent from relatives before going out with names.
I for one would hate for my name to be in the news if I did something like this and I’m positive my relatives would feel the same way.
That depends on how the filter is implemented.
If it’s well implemented it should include the whitespace in the filter.
A post box?
It’s not like the postman comes to my door and picks up the post.
They accept cash bruh.
I prefer: hexbear.net
Are you confident those are the same users?
I will cross that road when there is a good reason to do that. I simply won’t switch just because of someone’s opinions that don’t affect me. I don’t have time for that shit.
Yeah, the Docker desktop license is crazy. Pretty sure it was changed recently too.
Ah alright. I personally don’t care that much about the CEOs political opinions as long as that isn’t reflected in the business itself.
I had to look for more information on the IP logging thing since I didn’t know much about it. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/09/privacy-focused-protonmail-provided-a-users-ip-address-to-authorities/
Personally I don’t think it’s that bad. It was absolutely misleading but not a lie.
I mostly care about no logging policies when it comes to VPN and as long as the content of the emails are encrypted/not logged, I don’t mind that much.
Can’t you filter " Ye " or something like that?
What’s wrong with proton? It works pretty well for me.
I do not consent!
What teo windows admin do in 30 minutes I do in 30 seconds
You know that pretty much everything in Windows can be done with powershell, right? Just a few and very specific things need to be done using older command line tools, or extremely rarely using a GUI.
It’s trivial to write a script that changes the DNS configuration on every server for example. It’s even easy to parallelize it.
You pretty much only need something like this.
$Servers = “server01”, “server02”, “server03”
$Servers | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Command -Computername $_ -Scriptblock { Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 12 -ServerAddresses (“”,“”) }}
I can’t guarantee that it will run, since I wrote it on my phone (hence formatting), but it wouldn’t be far off. You could also do it without pipes using something like ‘foreach $server in $servers’ but that’s harder to type on a phone and I prefer pipes.
I have to know that I’m dreaming to know that I should look in a mirror though.
Or am I supposed to just constantly look into mirrors throughout the day so I knew that when I don’t look into a mirror, it’s a dream?