@lightnsfw - eviltoast
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • My concern is not coming from any information provided by a lobby. It’s coming from my past experiences seeing corporations jump on any and every chance to take more money out of my pocket.

    “Even if they stopped making them I wouldn’t get that money back” except you would in the form of other places that the money could be allocated to.

    More than likely it would go to some other graft, not anything that would benefit me. It might as well be wasted on pennies which at least keep corporations from increasing prices due to having to round. That at least keeps some money in my pocket.

    What would be the mechanism by which this ‘price gouging’ would occur

    The easiest method would be just to always round up. If they wanted to squeeze a little harder then maybe go up 10-15 instead. What’s anyone going to do about it? You may say a few cents doesn’t matter but I get a few cents cash back every time I use my card and that alone covers all my christmas shopping on amazon at the end of the year. It’s not negligible. As for why it hasn’t happened in canada, capitalism has escalated a lot since then and they’ve gotten a taste of what they can get away with during covid.

  • I have to leave extra early during the school year because if I don’t it takes like 5-10 minutes just to get through the section of the neighborhood that has the bus stop (which is in the middle of the neighborhood for some reason instead of by the entrance where it would make sense) because both sides of the street are lined with parents waiting on the bus in their cars and the street is only wide enough for one car to pass through at a time. They sit there and wait longer than it would take to just drive their kid to the fucking school.

  • The rest of the world proves there’s no need for people to pump your gas for you. Just about anyone can do that themselves. My point was that if this is the only way these people can be employed then we should instead take the money would they’d be paid for this and pay them to go to school instead so they can acquire the skills the need to get other jobs, whatever those jobs may be. Having them stand by a pump to put gas in people’s cars is just a waste of everyone’s time and resources. If this is somehow the only job they are capable of doing even with training available then just pay them to stay home. If there aren’t enough low skill jobs to go around this is a better solution then making up busy work for people to do.