And about 1/3 of the lit subpixels on mine.
And about 1/3 of the lit subpixels on mine.
Naja das ganze sieht als gegeben an das der Hausbesitzer 1. Ein Auto besitzt 2. Keinen anderen Stellplatz hatt welcher nicht in der Öffentlichkeit ist
Das zwangsweise bauen von Parkplätzen oder Garagen wenn eine Auto Nutzung gar nicht geplant ist wird quasi über Wohnraumpreise auch die Allgemeinheit abgestraft, nur weil sich Teile der Gesellschaft leben ohne Pkw nicht vorstellen können. Gleiches gilt für Gewerbe etc.
Die japanische Variante macht ja Stellplatz Nachweis bei der Zulassung notwendig nicht beim Haus Bau.
Ich hab gestern beim lesen das erste Mal ernsthaft Jazz gehört, the Köln Concert- Keith jarrett, scheint mir zu Recht beliebt. Keine Sekunde langweilig, trotzdem irgendwie schlüssig, ich habe keine Ahnung von Jazz und Musik generell also weiß ich das jetzt nicht so gut zu beschreiben…
Wir haben Silvester Stille Post extrem gespielt, war in der Gruppe künstlerisch unbegabter in welcher ich mich befand äußerst lustig, quasi gartic Phone auf foliertem Papier, mit zumeist zufällig gewählten prompts.
Bakemonogatari 2 zuende gelesen, lustige und clevere Dialoge ohne Pause mit dem ganzen abberation Set Dressing mit dem man sich ja schon vertraut ist wenn man es durch den ersten Band geschafft hat. Nadeko ist was schwächer als narrativ im Vergleich zum vorhergängiem (wenn man durch die Anime Serie allerdings durch ist weiß man ja,sie kriegt auch irgendwann ihren vernünftigeren Abschluss).
I’m a friend of the flag of the city of Amsterdam. xxx in white on red and black. Venice Berlin and Hamburg are also nice flags but Amsterdam is just so clean.
Both are primarily a means for profit, as most tasks accomplished with a car are more reasonably done a different way. The efficiency of road based motorised transport is so abysmal that it almost doesn’t make sense.
The only reason we rely on it currently to such an extend is because our entire economy is highly irrational, except if seen from a supremely privileged point of view.
Well there is humour in having a digital version of a thousand(s) year old (bar/drinking) game win most innovative gameplay at least.
Signal to noise is all edffd up
Jup a phone, which is a computer, which can’t easily run arbitrary software just shouldn’t exist, and if it has to I don’t want to use it.
These days you don’t even need custom firmware or root to do most things (except debloat/degoogle). Which I probably should degoogle but it’s a project for a later day (a day where a home server + reasonable backups are already setup)
Well for me it’s almost the opposite you’d have to lay down a solid salary to get me to use an iPhone as my daily phone so there seems to be some fundamental philosophical differences.
And flagship Samsung looses like 40-60% price in 18months even though nowadays they are fine for 5+years.
Imo buying new phones is like scamming yourself essentially.
There are to many genres in gaming so if we reduce the scope to only card games (which is obviously the only relevant genre), It’s slay the spire obviously.
Hellmode - Jeff Rosenstock
The only other thing I’m listening to atm. is the Monogatari series openings and endings
I mostly just think worst and even better is hard to judge. We just exist here. Good and bad are just labels. And I find absurd to be an often more applicable one when it comes to the timeline stuff.
Mysterium among others already mentioned. Very similar core mechanic to dixit, but co-op and some what longer/more expansive.
Removing almost all cars is the only way to effectively be able to walk to places.
Yes it’s freemium, but it’s very usable for free. I’d estimate 95% of non professional users don’t care for the difference between free and paid. Also if you want to pay it’s a perpetual license for the current version, not a subscription like increasingly common.
It’s competitive with Adobe in terms of features and usability UX/UI, perhaps even better than Adobe in some parts.
It’s probably the best choice if you want to do video, movie maker and the like are to weak for your use case, and your not an ffmpeg magician. Because you can download it for free and get used to it quickly, and it can likely do everything you want for free. Except GPU rendering.
Idk if I’m just lucky but even what are supposed to be super busy touristy things I’ve mostly been able to see among fairly chill/ no crowds. And this includes Rome, Venice, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Berlin, Amsterdam among others, and in most of these visits to their respective cultural/ architectural/historical hotspots.
Like literally just go in April or early October I guess. Or like at night. Something like this.