@kig_v2 - eviltoast

If you like the many sounds and subgenres of alternative hip-hop right now check out my music, it would mean the world to me! https://youtube.com/channel/UCrn_sciMAe4NOGg8qH2PlBA Most stuff on Spotify and Soundcloud too!!!


JLGS 137


  • 67 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2022


  • I understand I am using some terms MLs don’t care much for, but I don’t think it’s at all weird to describe, for example, the United States as the spiritual successor to Britain, or the Nazis, or the Romans. This isn’t just “vibes”, this has evidence that can be pointed to, from the enslavement-friendly faux-meritocratic rigid caste system, to the bloody spectacle of the Coliseum, to the long evolution of ideas of Christendom and white supremacy and “Western values.”

    I believe there is an heir to the Romans because the Romans are nigh indistinguishable from modern Western imperialists to me, they behave much the same just in a radically different time period and historical/cultural context. Considering the Romans co-opted Christianity and this imperialized Christianity became the spinal column of Western hegemony, to this day with fascist Evangelicals being the most naked form of the classic US American (contested now with the culty scifi atheists of Silicon Valley). Modern Westerners adore and revere the Romans and all want to be the one who gets to say they are holding the baton passed to them by the Romans. I am sure much more links, both broad and microscopic, could be made the longer one compares the Romans to any modern Western imperialist society.

    Why bother at all? “Know your enemy,” I suppose. I want to not only know my enemy today, I want to understand their lineage, their history, for this is a truly wicked beast that has taken millenia to evolve and develop into the bastard that stands today.

  • That’s very fair, I guess I see it as more war and unnecessary death are already on the itinerary, the Western hegemony seems to refuse to die quietly, so I hope the final act plays out with them foolishly wasting 1% of their forces at a time instead of resolutely commiting all forces and causing an even more devastating conflict all around. As someone said above, the French may be a useful vassal the to US in a future war with China, so them wasting their forces prematurely and possibly without glowing blessing from the US is all good things.

  • The problem is, Democrats are fascist too, the Republicans just more nakedly so. Domestically, racial minorities, gender/sexuality minorities, and the poor all suffer just as thoroughly under D’s as R’s. Wars of extermination and plunder as still waged overtly and covertly across the globe by the USA regardless if the bombs are blue or red. Democrats do not functionally make anything better, they just virtue signal that they do. They are paid by the corporate oligarchy to be a sinkhole for leftward potential; look, they sat back and did nothing but say some glib words and pass around a few petitions when Republicans reversed Roe v. Wade. They’ll cry crocodile tears and wring their hands and promise you ohh, ohh, ohh, we’re trying our best, please please please oh please don’t forget to donate and vote in this upcoming election oh please. They promise that it’s just oh so hard to move the needle, and yet when they hold 2+ branches of government with supermajorities they do nothing, and yet when Republicans have 51% of the power they easily pass legislation and executive orders and unprecedented actions to get things done. You can say this is just the smug faux-moral superiority that the civilized Democrats are exhibiting, but it isn’t, because look how quickly they are to act with the same decisive ruthlessness on matters of giving trillions to the banks, the CIA, Homeland Security, the army, the police, the oil and food and real estate and automobile tycoons, to horrid despots across the globe who do their dirty work for them.

    Stop it. Stop making bullet point listicles and thinking of clever mental Olympic gold medal gymnastics to excuse to yourself that there are still good guys in American electoral politics and that if we just have a really viral peaceful protest and suck mud off of Democrat boots and watch another video essay and fight for progressive standpoints on social media that you can slowly change this society into something better. I’m sorry but you’re tugging on a rock with the mass of the Moon as it rolls down the hill. The writing was on the wall decades ago: the United States didn’t become fascist with Trump, it has always been fascist and you are only just now seeing some signs. When both Republicans and Democrats were more “moderate” in the previous century, this was still a fascist empire that is run by a ruling class that wants to enslave, invade, murder and steal. Every tiny good thing that has ever been administered by the USian ruling class has been to quash imminent revolutionary fervor, be it the New Deal or Civil Rights or faux-progressive Wokeism or stimulus checks.

    Name one issue that Biden, Obama, Clinton, any of those evil fuckers did better than the Republicans. Abortion? War? Militarized police? Immigration? Clean water? Affordable healthcare, school, housing? Fascist violence? The environment? Corruption? Zero, zilch, nada, negative, they haven’t done shit, and it’s not because they want to and they’re just spineless losers, it’s because they’re snakes who clink glasses with Republicans and the same privatized overlords who all chuckle at you because you’re being a damn sucker, dude, and you’re better than that. I understand you want a better society, we all do here. Give up the blue shit, it’s not the route out. This ship is sinking, read the waters, all we can do now is ensure that in the chaos of the failing American federal state that we can defeat the fascists and create a truly just and equitable society.

  • Personally I would be surprised if any of this happens. The West’s weapons, armor, style of fighting, psychology, and availability of willing and able recruits has already been exposed again and again as laughably bad. They have spent the last half century bullying vulnerable countries, occupying and fighting insurgencies, they are completely out of their element fighting a near-peer adversary. Their technology is overpriced, overengineered junk. They are running out of money and all of their industry and access to raw resources has been outsourced over the decades across the world, much of which supports Russia implicitly or explicitly. Like all fascists they are irrational, arrogant, narrow sighted, cowardly, and cultish. The cost for all these factors have been the terrible casualty rate inflicted not just on the Ukranian army but on all the mixed NATO mercenaries and NATO officials who have been training, arming, and supporting the Ukranians.

    If the war drums rolled loud and an overwhelming coalition of NATO formed and resolutely plunged headfirst into war with Russia, the scenario would be much more contentious and unstable. However, if they are hindered by their own nominally war weary populaces, and can only give a few thousand at a time, treading softly because they are scared shitless of the consequences, they are doing nothing but weakening themselves at a rate that Russia can easily absorb.

  • Lucid dreaming and astral projection and contact of the 5th kind and bad drugs and occult practices led to paranormal experiences and negative experiences with sleep and dreaming which led to me smothering my dreams and training myself to instantly wake up if i begin dreaming. Since those years, i have slowly tip toed around dreaming again, i can tell i still have reflexive safe guards that dampen my dreaming ability.

    If you want to dream more, one tried and tested trick people have learned: when you do dream, make sure to take note of it immediately, tell someone about it immediately. Preferably both vocally and in writing. Over time this will lead to more dreams…and more lucidity, which for most people is a fun or interesting plus.

  • Hell yes, and then you’re a comrade who can feed people. That’s an invaluable asset to the movement, and whatever it will grow into during that time. We are trained to be docile, the fascists are trained to fantasize about killing all day long. We are surpressed, they are enabled. When shit hits the fan, the Left will be vitalized, there will be no choice, it will even be reactionary in many ways. We are meant to be the cadres that ensure the revolution is MList in nature, and that our friends and family survive. I do not think we will be able to exploit any momentum effectively until the federal gov’t starts seriously waning, and yes the fascists will have all the prep, the initiative. We’re gonna take an uppercut in the opening scenes. It’s okay. We will wipe the blood off our face and get up and try over and over until we get it right.