I’m in the no-bucket, but instead i spend time on issues, helping the community and sometimes code contributions to self hosted projects instead.
This is not taken into the account of the question, however, but should be considered as contributing.
(I also consider donating to be contributing.)
Merry Yule-y!
Yeah, or Shelfplayer
I’m holding off on trying Plappa until they add session support, since I like the stats, heh.
Tho I do have a Testflight spot for the ABS app, as well.
I do want to try Plappa, though! I really like the paperless-ngx app (Paperparrot) from the same developer
The ABS app is also still in beta on iOS, so unless you are tech savvy enough to either sideload or try to get in on one of the windows when users are booted from the testflight beta, you are going to have to use one of the 3d party apps.
Prologue just seems to do many things nicely, and user experience seems very important to the developer, so there is a huge crowd that swears by the app.
That sure looks like a blocker, though
Yeah, but since you can change his name they never say it in any dialogue, which has left the debate to the internet.
Looks like an elf to me!
You can just close your eyes and not open them again, no blinking!
And that kids name? Mathew Matician.
Morrowind :)
Technically the existance of non-binaries also makes the binaries no longer binaries (due to increased optionality), so it would be fair to say everyone is non-binary
Updated! Ty!
Updated title and stole ”goodest girl”! (The same saying is gender neutral in my language so it sometimes gets mixed up in my head)
I use larch, btw
That cursor, though…