@idiomaddict - eviltoast
  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • I can’t tell if that’s a lucky coincidence or a reference, but the Alternative for Germany (AfD) are the biggest voices in support of fascism in Germany, and they just won 20% of the seats in parliament. Luckily, even the CXU won’t form a coalition with them yet, so they will hopefully not have much impact on things.

    Ironically, the AfD doesn’t want to militarize against Russia (but don’t be too reassured, they do want to reinstate mandatory conscription and militarize generally, just not against daddy Putin)

  • Can confirm. I was once given a cocaine cigarette without my knowledge and it did have enough of a stimulant effect for me to notice something was off (though I was expecting a spliff, so it was easier to realize that it was having the opposite effect), but I absolutely did not get any kind of high.

    It was mostly just increased heart rate and anxiety with a little nausea, like being overcaffeinated.

  • I disagree, but think this is a fish in water issue, tbh. The anglophone countries tend to drink tea, except for the US and Canada, so the English vocabulary for coffee things developed based on North American coffee consumption. In the US, coffee means drip coffee (not trying to start a coffee snob war, French press or pour over or whatever also works here), and espresso is a separate thing entirely.

    When I was 19, I studied abroad in Germany and after a couple of weeks, I complained to my housemate that I couldn’t find just plain coffee out* anywhere. It was all either espresso based or seemed to be halfway between espresso and coffee- not very much volume, noticeable crema, and concentrated taste. She was confused and tried to explain that that was plain coffee.

    It’s just done differently here, but because I already considered espresso “other,” I just thought they didn’t really have coffee. Filter coffee is the term for drip coffee here, and it’s more common now, but I suspect that’s at least partially because it’s cheaper and I encounter free bad coffee (not all drip coffee is bad, but those fifty cup urns that scorch it after twenty minutes are) more often now than I did when I was a student.

    *full disclosure, based on grocery store space allocation, I think at home coffee making is about 50:50 American style coffee from beans (though they could also be used in Mokka pots) and espressoier pads. This is purely about stopping for coffee somewhere.

  • Yes, it can happen anywhere (and a good relationship with your neighbors is the best way to improve your safety anywhere). There is an office in town hall for it here, though, which is pretty wild to me. An unknown number just called me and told me to come pick it up, and it wasn’t extortion!

    I still don’t know how they got my number. It was a prepaid phone and the number’s not in my wallet. If they wanted to cross reference my address registration they could, but that’s so much work.

  • My dad sent me an insane video about “migrant problems in Germany.” I live in Germany (as an immigrant, no less), and although almost every aspect of the video was incorrect, exaggerated, and distorted, it was plausible for an anglophone audience who don’t have direct experience with German culture.

    He honestly thought I was in more danger in (somewhat rural) Germany than in one of the 20 most dangerous cities in the US. I’ve had my lost wallet returned to me here, money still in place.

  • My grandmother was very much a catch, but there’s no way I have a picture of her friend, who married a whole family. I don’t even know her first name, because despite a 50+ year friendship, they met as adults and called each other Mrs. Lastname.

    I do think this woman must have been an incredible cook or something. Her companion was by all accounts a very dedicated priest otherwise, but that’s the only story I’ve ever heard where a priest gets any quasi romantic leeway (obviously, the church was far too lenient with sexual abuses, but the real reason for the vow of chastity has always been to avoid splitting loyalties and to control expenses, so a 60+ year financial and emotional commitment to a woman approximates that much more closely than the abuse).