Thanks good to know as a new user! Much appreciated
Thanks good to know as a new user! Much appreciated
“ A big salty tear. You get what you deserve 🤡” ok Mr copy paste over here waxing poetic. Stop defending a shit take and do some introspection
So if you didn’t vote for the clown and are in a blue state you deserve theft? What kind of dumb shit take is that? Seems like the only clown here is you
A dude with the power to punish all the pedophiles but choosing not to is not crying over “the weight of his role”. The amount of immoral shit you probably have to justify to even be considered for the position is just gross
“You don’t hyper-decant your wine? You gotta hyper decant!”
They only want a solution all of a sudden in September on election year. It’s a clown show of nobody being interested till it’s way too late
Bash scripts survive because often times they are the easiest option on an abandoned server
Nah im pretty sure most of them except for trump are scared of the base cause it’s a bumcha loonies with guns that don’t believe in objective reality
My buddy would have one in his wallet and all the doggies in the airport were mighty friendly with him. For me that’s just extra anxiety while traveling when I can use pretty much anything to grind weed in a pinch (all pun intended)
Kids just call each other mentally disabled to insult each other. That’s why it never made sense to censor repurposed terms because they just get replaced with the current thing almost instantly like you said.
Ahh classic, the bigots don’t realize that they’re the fuel for the horrific machine and will be disposed as soon as they’re no longer useful
That you had a bad take and got flamed then continued to defend it while adding a ton of emojis? I don’t think anyone here is mad, kinda sad that you’d double down on a shit take that indicates you’re either young or extremely naive.
I guess now I know im just talking to a troll from a troll quarantine zone though. Enjoy your basement and late night depression wank. I’m sure you’ll solve it by talking out of your ass more on the internet. You want to be a Collin Robinson and drain energy from everyone but you just end up looking like a sad dweeb and embarrassing yourself