Yeah? Him, and what army?
Yeah? Him, and what army?
“If you are a state not complying with federal law, you’re next,” she said. “Get ready.
What if you are a Special Government Employee who is not complying with Federal Law? Or a President? I expect those additional lawsuits any day now…
“nullity” sounds like a made-up word. It sounds like something the Knights that say “Ni” would ask for when they have enough shrubberies
Unfortunately, it’s not sufficient to simply get a court order against him. Trump has indicated that he’s simply not going to listen. The court will also have to force him to comply.
And for this, I am hopeful that the involvement of State governments will be helpful. They have State Police that (to my knowledge) can’t be easily put under Federal control like the National Guard can. So it may be possible for a state that is part of one of these court orders to send their own State Police to enforce the order if the DoJ instructs the US Marshals not to.
Yes, it’s a great big Constitutional Crisis if we need to reply on State Police to enforce a Federal Order. But we’re already there…
They’re not going to raid Social Security – they even understand that will get the plebes to storm the gates.
They’re going to insert themselves into the payment stream. A penny here. A penny there: pretty soon Trump and Musk are personally much richer.
Costly to who? Not Donald Trump. So he’s not gonna care.
I would vote for Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), if for no other reason than to hear reporters talk about the “Whitehouse White House”.
Chiefs had the Bills’goal line sneaks figured out, but Philly does it better I guess.
However old Tom Cruise is, his face is younger
Trump’s response: you mean those illegals are human?
You see, anyone who is of a certain type that got a law degree only got it because of DEI. There! Conservatives now have permission to ignore those credentials entirely, unless they are the right type of people.
Watch this case get a totally bogus ruling from Trump’s pet judge only to see CBS settle before any appeals court can smack it down. This whole thing that Republicans have created enabling them to pick their judge as long as a suit is filed in the correct zip code is ridiculous.
Watch the Giants go and sign him and Davante. It’s not like they can make them any worse…
The problem is that Republicans already have the votes to pass whatever budget they want: they just all have to agree. Kim is just saying that if Republicans can’t agree, Democrats shouldn’t help them like they have in the past.
House Democrats helped to pass CRs in the past because they also held the Presidency and the Senate, so a government shutdown would rightly be blamed on both parties. This time, though, Republicans own the whole enchilada. Why should Democrats help unless they get something tangible out of it in the budget?
When the State licenses things like that, it’s usually because whatever activity is being licensed utilizes shared resources, and the State has an interest in making sure those resources are used in the common interest.
Radio licenses are essential because the RF spectrum is a common resource. The State wants to make sure that certain frequencies are only used for certain purposes, and that those who use them have the proper training.
Some communities use pet licensing as a tool to make sure all pets are properly vaccinated, to reduce the spread of rabies (which really is a horrible way to go…)
Hunting and fish licenses are a way to help control the overall wild animal population, and make sure they are not overharvested and preserve rhe availability for future seasons.
There is a mechanism for doing this that’s fairly well grounded in the legal system. Go to a federal judge, explain that he’s continuing to break the law even though he’s not supposed to be, and ask for an order authorizing you to go and stop him, by force, with some officially designated force providers.
The issue is that this is all in Federal Court, and all of the “officially designated force providers” at that level are part of the Executive Branch. So who would agree to enforce this when Trump can just immediately fire them, even if he doesn’t have the legal right to do so? Even the US Marshals, who are intended to enforce stuff like this, are still part of the DoJ under the Attorney General. Can a court compel an AG to take an action if the President can just pardon all of her contempt citations from ignoring it?
Since these are States that are suing, can a Federal judge authorize State police to take control of a Federal building with the purpose of enforcing a Federal order that Federal forces refuse to enforce (and keeping the Muskovites out)?
Which car company is going to be the main sponsor of Super Bowl LX next year? I think they all sell some car with an LX trim…
I disagree, as a Bills fan it was everything I hoped for.