@cyborganism - eviltoast
  • 374 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • About the WEF being power tripping communists.


    The foundation’s stated mission is “improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas”.

    The meeting brings together some 3,000 paying members and selected participants – among whom are investors, business leaders, political leaders, economists, celebrities and journalists

    The World Economic Forum and its annual meeting in Davos have received criticism over the years, including allegations of the organization’s corporate capture of global and democratic institutions, institutional whitewashing initiatives, […].

    Does that sound like communists to you? Because to me it sounds like oligarchs trying to see how they can “improve” the world to their own benefit. The you’ll own nothing and will be happy" part is the dissipent dystopia we’re living in right now. We can’t afford to own a home so we rent. We don’t own our entertainment like music, movies, or video games anymore because they’re all on platforms for which we have to pay ad vitam aeternam just to use them. We won’t even own our cars soon because they’ll come with a subscription for them to function. Etc. It’s a capitalist nightmare.

    To add to that, your perception of the carbon tax seems to be what the conservatives have been spinning since its inception. Their accusations of the tax investing the cost of living have been exaggerated. The impact on consumers has been minimal. See here