@azdle - eviltoast
  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • At work we have a contractual design deliverable that was due yesterday, I still can’t get anybody to tell me what I’m supposed to be designing/building. I’ve got the contract, but its so vague that it’s more unhelpful than it is helpful and there’s apparently been 9 months of conversations with the customer, none of which have included engineering, nor has anything from them been written down. So we’re designing something just based on rumors.

    So we’re in crunch mode, but also we don’t know what we’re trying to accomplish… 😩

  • Hey, this might be something I’m interested in, but I’m not sure because there aren’t many details in your readme.

    Some questions I’d suggest you answer in the readme:

    [Edit: after looking through the code quickly, some of my questions probably don’t male sense because this seems to be an alerting style monitoring tool, not a observability style monitoring tool. Answering my own questions for others that are curious:]

    What does it monitor?

    [Disk space and CPU use]

    What is the interface? Web? It does compare itself to grafana, so maybe. TUI? Maybe that’s what makes it more light weight?

    [It doesn’t have one, it sends telegram messages when alarm thresholds(?) are hit.]

    Does it only work on Debian? If not, are there deps that are required that are installed as dependencies of the deb?

    [Looks like it should work anywhere, the ‘watchers’ use the nix crate and read procfs, so I assume that means it should work anywhere without depending on anything besides the Linux kernel.]

    Is there history or is it real time only?

    [Realtime only, well I guess there’s the telegram history.]

    What does it look like? (Honestly, a screenshot could possibly answer most of these questions and a whole lot more.)

    [It doesn’t look like anything. There’s no screenshot because there’s nothing to screenshot.]

  • I’ll start off with a proviso, I haven’t s much touched my Librem 5 in at least a year (maybe even 2?), so if they’ve had some massive turn around in that time I don’t know about it. All of this post is just what I think I remember, if you want actual facts go dig around in the wayback machine or something.

    The promise of the L5 was super grandiose. They were going to create this mobile device that could completely replace your android device. It was going to launch with a custom matrix client that would let you make voice and video calls, which no other matrix client at the time could do. It was gonna be great and it was going to be delivered in a year.

    Now clearly that was never going to go off without a hitch. I don’t blame them for being late nor for not delivering all their promises right at launch. But when things started getting delayed they seemed to be doing everything in their power to not communicate with backers. And anytime they would say something, they would say “well we didn’t hit that deadline, but we promise we’re totally super duper close now”. And then they’d blow through that deadline without a word too.

    I did eventually get my phone, obviously, but it wasn’t anything like a usable device. The battery that it came with was smaller than advertised and it didn’t have any power management so you got a few hours of battery life. The cameras just didn’t exist as far as the software was concerned. The privacy switches would randomly kill power to the modem when you lightly brushed against them without the switch moving out of the ‘on’ position. Which was super annoying since you had to reboot the phone any time you wanted to turn the modem back on. And rebooting took ages.

    Even at this point I was still rooting for them to succeed. I really want a proper Linux phone and have since 2008.

    But ever since then, I really haven’t seen much of anything change with the software, at least for as long as I was paying attention to it. One of the cameras got support added by a community member at some point, but the pictures it was taking were so bad it looked like some 1999 digital camera taking pictures in a dimly lit room even in full sunlight. There was no way to know if an application in their store was going to work or not, most didn’t, mostly because they were meant for a larger screen & a mouse.

    I pulled it out a few times on and off over the years, but the last time I did, I couldn’t even figure out how to get it to update. So, I haven’t really even touched it since then. (I’ve got it out connected to power to see what it’s like now. Though, I’m not sure it’s charging, is flashing green (with an occasional flicker of red) a good thing?)

    Since receiving it, the only communication I’ve gotten from Purism has been “Investment Opportunities”. I’m not sure why I’d invest in a company that still hasn’t delivered what it promised me over 5 years ago.

    I absolutely want them to succeed, and I hope they prove my pessimism wrong, but at this point I absolutely would not put my money on that happening.