The show was an embarrassment, the questions posed to LC were so cringy that he’s likely to never again want to associate with the PP show or anyone involved. I was shocked that Pulte actually let that braindead moron Kais talk to LC directly.
And the PHM pushing… cringe.
Frankly, we need a community focused on research and discussion, not green dildos, cigars, and attention-seeking morons like Kais. What a sad state of affairs.
Interactions from RC and LC are the only thing still giving Pulte any sense of credibility, and why I’m still on the fence about him, vs outright dismissing him as a grifter.
Someone in the PP Community on Twitter suggested doing a Twitter search for “#pultescam”. Boy, there are a lot of angry tweets about Pulte from 2019. No idea on their validity or what was going on back then, but there do seem to be some similarities.