@TheDarkestShark - eviltoast
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023

  • A few years back my family and I went to my cousins wedding a few states away, we decided on driving rather than flying due to covid airfare prices. So it was my mom, dad, brother, niece, and myself. My brother and I were both in our late twenties at this point in time so it was kinda weirdly nostalgic.

    Anyway, on our way back from the wedding, we were driving through the cornfields of Pennsylvania when we noticed a few oddly parked cars on the side of the road. It was near a stop sign so we had plenty of time to figure out what was going on. A guy on a bicycle was hit by a car and laying on his back surrounded by people on the side of the road.

    My mom is a nurse so I immediately asked her if we should pull over, she thought about it for a few seconds and said no we are meeting your sister in Cleveland for dinner and we can’t be late. So we kept on driving. A few minutes later, she looks back and realizes how selfish of a decision she just made right in front of my 8 year old niece, so she says we should all pray for the man. Me and my brother just looked at eachother in awe as she proceeds to recite the Hail Mary.

  • Just got this game called Tunic on PS+, currently the free game of the month. Went in thinking this is pretty cute, wonder how long I will stay engaged with this obviously kid targeted game. Turns out, it is about as in depth with the creepy lore and map memorization as hollow knight. The combat can also be quite difficult, it’s an isolated camera so hard to compare to hollow knight there, more dark souls like but much more limited in enemy depth or player abilities.

    Thoroughly enjoying it, good progression of skills and unlocks. It has a very unique way of guiding the player through the game, you find these pages throughout the game that when put together slowly form an old school game guide book. Everything from upgrade guides to area maps have to be found, the weirdest part is 98% of the words are in a fictional language and only very specific words are translated like the name of a boss or area. I’ve reached many areas in the game where I know I need to do something to that alter or rock or whatever and I just give up and wait to find the page that shows a picture of it and try to figure it out from there.

    Overall a fun game to figure out, it’s the first I’ve played since Subnautica where I am refusing to look any game guides because I want to figure this out myself.

  • Not sure what the politicians in question have against it, but my apprehension to lab grown meat is the possibilty of the corporations making our food even worse for us for the sake of profit. If you think our food is bad now just wait until some greedy fuck can cut corners on the molecular level.

    Also I dont understand why banning this is seen as such a negative thing in the US. A lot of European countries have already taken this step because most of those countries already have strict laws against GMO’s, glyphosate, growth hormones, and “enhanced” grains.

    Less factory farming is obviously a great thing but to what end? To me I see this as another opportunity for our replacement food to be worse for us than the original and not be realized until way later. So why not slow down the introduction of this technology until we can prove that it can be done safely.

  • Our hiring manager just flat out sucks at his job, rarely ever see him interviewing people and I know of several coworkers who have dropped their friends resumes on his desk and he never follows up with these recommendations. One of his main jobs is to keep in contact with our student co-ops and let them know their start dates after each semester, he doesn’t reach out to them and actually dodges their calls. Now here is the real shocker, he is untouchable because he is the former owners son.

    So, I noticed the past few months he’s been interviewing a lot more than the past few years, pretty obvious because he gives a building tour after each interview. I was talking to my secretary about it and she told me he got a real ass chewing because current ownership found out, after the fact, that his request to work from home ALL OF DECEMBER was actually a request to work from my vacation house in Florida, dudes barely older than I am and he just lives life on easy mode.

    Edit: Hope you see this, Fuck you Kyle!

  • As someone who holds both left and right views depending on the issue, I understand wanting to lean conservative. Social programs, better infrastructure, and higher taxes make sense when you can trust your government to spend your money wisely. The problem is they don’t and people in government are incentivised to not do their job efficiently because then they would lose funding or their job entirely. And lately, the right has no concern over lowering taxes for the average citizen or increasing government efficiency despite that being one of core fundamentals of the party.

  • Here’s one I just experienced, was watching Star Wars: A New Hope and my brother asked me if I remember C-3PO every having a silver leg. I told him no, hes always been all gold. Next scene we watched his right leg from the knee down was all silver. Like wtf never have I noticed that before, I said meh maybe it was a Lucas later edit. Revenge of the Sith comes on the TV next and C-3PO’s leg is so vibrantly silver that I could not even comprehend not noticing that contrast in past viewings.