I will also die on the hill of pf >>> 5e.
I will also die on the hill of pf >>> 5e.
As a dm I do this too for npcs and sometimes for pcs if they have a specific concept. Otherwise it takes hours of searching and you always have to settle, nothing is quite right. I don’t see an issue with it, no hobby dm can spend money on an artist creating every npc and it’s not feasible to expect it. This way I get high quality art if I’m willing to put the effort in to sorting and correcting images through repainting. Especially since I run a campaign set in feudal Japan. Orcs and kobolds in japanese traditional garb is not very common! Ai even let me run an encounter of a fashion show by providing the players a bank of images to curate a collection from and compete with other collections I made using ai.
I still spend money on patreon for monster tokens and maps and I doubt that would change even if ai could make good ones. I pay for their creativity and concepts not just the art.
I need to have a reread of it. The dust concept has always stuck with me.
"Now he was…dust. To an outside observer, these ten seconds had been ground up into ten thousand uncorrelated moments and scattered throughout real time - and in model time, the outside world had suffered an equivalent fate. Yet the pattern of his awareness remained perfectly intact: somehow he found himself, “assembled himself” from these scrambled fragments. He’d been taken apart like a jigsaw puzzle - but his dissection and shuffling were transparent to him. Somehow - on their own terms - the pieces remained connected.
Imagine a universe entirely without structure, without shape, without connections. A cloud of microscopic events, like fragments of space-time … except that there is no space or time. What characterizes one point in space, for one instant? Just the values of the fundamental particle fields, just a handful of numbers. Now, take away all notions of position, arrangement, order, and what’s left? A cloud of random numbers.
But if the pattern that is me could pick itself out from all the other events taking place on this planet, why shouldn’t the pattern we think of as ‘the universe’ assemble itself, find itself, in exactly the same way? If I can piece together my own coherent space and time from data scattered so widely that it might as well be part of some giant cloud of random numbers, then what makes you think that you’re not doing the very same thing?"
Hard scifi by Greg Egan is a trip and you’ll never be the same afterwards. Permutation City and Diaspora are my favorites.
For more modern take, Children of Time is beautifully narrated and I could listen to it all day for years and never get tired of the narrator.
For a universe that keeps on going with problem solving Vorkosigan Saga is very feel good and I think in line with a book like the Martian albeit a bit less hard though solid on its approach to deduction and wit.
Me ready to be like “Aw what a cute little guy.” Straight to “Holy fucking nightmare fuel.”
Children of time needs more hype. Probably the best science fiction to come out in recent times.
We’re going on an adventure!
I didn’t think the second book could be on par with the first but it was also fantastic.
Thanks for such an in depth answer. Is there a good place to buy seeds for newer strains like this?
When the choice is a man thinking of you as property to control or a vibrator/custom sized dildo, idk why you think it’s even a contest.
The main disconnect is they contracted “is it” into “it’s” when “it’s” is normal a posessive like that is mine, e.g. it’s mine. Aka “the fuck is it going to do” or “the fuck’s it going to do” would have been correct. At least I think so as a native speaker but someone with more knowledge on grammar might have more insight.
Colorfle 106 4/6 ⬜🟨🟩 ⬜🟨⬜ 🟩🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩 ⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜⬜ My average color accuracy was 93.75%!
First time playing but very cool. Thanks for sharing!