This looks amazing. I was actually looking for a foss plotting software but could not find anything. Will have a look at this
TruebI read over that
Points at everything riot has ever done
Yes yes I think they do
It is but it’s also right
That has not been updated since 2022 tho. Is Neo launcher dead?
Haha nice, have fun and good luck I hand sodered a 3D printed keyboard once with switches from ali express and a PicoPi Was quite a bit of fun. Still use it actually.
I salute yout commitment. Next year same time.
Mhh I don’t know if I can help you too much. I initially followed spaceinvader ones tutorials for my unraid machine. But with time I changed from swag to nginx proxy manager. And I changed from using a duckdns docker to a router based dyndns tracker. But honestly I don’t remember too much from the process I currently try to switch domain but just can’t get them to work :D so I am in a smilar spot like you.
I meanbstuff like that exists, ergot for example really sucks. But you can kill and burn infected plants and animals. Can`t really do that with humans. So it is overall much easier to controll.
Edit: Some weird formating stuff
Meiste machen kinderarbeit, fairtrade logo ist mindestens umstritten aber es gibt durchaus firmen (ich glaube 2) die das ernstzunehmend angehen
It`s good to always be sceptic, however I have been using and following Signal for years and so far they have not given me a reason to misstrust them. You should read their answers when some judge with 0 digital competence tries to subpoena some chat protocol.
Public transportation
Dumme frage: Ist ein zahn oder mundschutz verboten auf demos?
He ich bin mit deinem Namen nicht einverstanden !
“Auf der heide blüht…” gets absolutly obliterated by american artillery