Not only that, but unless you can guarantee that a significant portion users will recycle those aluminum cans, they are significantly more energy intensive to manufacture compared to single use plastic bottles.
Not only that, but unless you can guarantee that a significant portion users will recycle those aluminum cans, they are significantly more energy intensive to manufacture compared to single use plastic bottles.
Christians are OK with this man leading the country? /s
Don’t let polls lull you. Make your vote count! It’s not over until the election results are called.
Time feels way faster as you get older.
It’s also pretty grim that the people you know are either dying, dead, or have a life altering illness that comes out of nowhere. I feel like there’s a funeral in my family once a month, rather than once every decade.
We had a big ass satillite dish in the backyard when I was growing up, and I remember my dad needing to input these codes every so often to unlock a bunch of channels.
That’s great observation.
Underfunding education, healthcare, housing…
Overfunding his buddies, the alcohol industry, and a horrific war on cyclists.
Vote this fool out while we still can.
Oh, I hear you. I resisted for a very long time, but once I started using Windows 11, I upgraded all my Windows computers to it. It’s far more stable, in my opinion.
But… micro$oft has gone backwards as these iterations are pushed out. More ads, more spyware, more bloatware. Even if I want to keep using windows, they’ll force me out of it once my limit has been reached.
I saw that on Kickstarter yesterday. I hope it becomes a success!
I was able to upgrade to Windows 11 on my dinosaur desktop (at least 10 years old) without any issues. Been able to keep it updated, too, for at least the last 2 years.
There are ways to bypass certain hardware restrictions, and I’m sure plenty of how-tos are still available.
No need to sweat it.
Was using the Voyager app. But now I use the Voyager PWA version through the Hermit app.
I love the taste! I just hate how damn expensive it is, so I don’t by it anymore.
Yeah, let’s ignore that Trump is an adulterer and rapist, Pope.
Well, this really was a deep-dive! I appreciate the help. I’ll edit my OP again 😆
Thank you. The link is here: https://durhamregion.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html
You have to zoom into “The Regional Municipality of Durham” (Ontario, Canada) and enable the “Durham Imagery” basemap.
in its two variants
Maybe I’m misunderstanding, then. I didn’t see it mention “two variants”, and we’d only be talking about more recent images of the same satellite imagery.
ESRI does have their own editor for OSM, but I’m not sure if they use the same maps as the stock OSM editor or something else. Maybe I’ll give it a try and see if we have access to more.
In either case, I have no plans to actually use my municipalities version for actual mapping (way too tedious, even to try), but it’s so interesting to see these very recent images.
Updated my post. Looks like all ESRI imagery can be used!
I guess it’s time to put my 500Mbps upload bandwidth to good use!
According to the actual Aluminum Association, only 43% of aluminum cans shipped within the United States are recycled.