If you think of this as a bad movie, then you can say well it wasn’t THAT bad… and you can pick out a few good points. Like John Cusak is a decent actor and the others don’t do that bad a job… but really this is just a slightly edgier version of the kind of movie you’d see on the Lifetime channel.
They’ll blame it on someone else.
From Naughtius Maximus.
They’re filming a version in space, but in one day in space is like a dozen years on Earth so it won’t be done until 2187.
Yeah tru iirc I tried controlling the Tildes communities I was subscribed to, but then there was basically no discussion… Lemmy is just big enough that you can subscribe to communities that don’t fit that demograpic and then browse by subscribed… e.g. many of the communities listed here: https://ponder.cat/post/1349429
OP you probably realize you haven’t literally seen/experienced everything in the world. I suspect you’ve switched from one stage in your life to another. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you probably want to talk to a trusted friend / relative / counselor to make sure you’re not depressed or something. I gotta say tho that people who “go crazy” as teens and young adults and never stop are sometimes very off-kilter as older people.
That’s too slow. Take us to defcon one.
very long comments by not very interesting people
That’s kinda harsh… Some of the comments are pretty insightful, but since it’s not curated sure, some are gonna be average.
What kept me away from there is it’s just a bit too small… I think Lemmy hits that sweet spot size-wise.
I dunno… if the Democrats do something anything that’d be a welcome change…
I’m surprised they even linked to the webpage: https://www.luigimangioneinfo.com/
Indivisible has some good ideas:
Even Newsweek has figured it out, too bad the D Party leadership is still puttering about.
Looks pretty good. The summary doesn’t say that it’s a martial arts movie, overtly Jackie Chan-inspired. Doubt it’s the best movie of the year, but I’m acheck it out.
This movie SLAYS. It was clearly going for a James Bond -type of action hero with enough homage and parody to gleefully sling you through the over-the-top sequences. Kate Beckinsale’s accent is terrible and Hugh Jackman doesn’t even try but that doesn’t matter because the action is killer and the production is top-tier.
Friar Carl! Verona, Marishka, and Aleera! Frickin IGOR! More monsters than a season of Scooby-Doo! Anyone who thinks this is a bad movie deserves a visit from the Knights of the Holy Order…
I havent really kept tabs on how the “everything” feed works. Does it show posts from small communities here and there?
If you want to see posts from small communities (balanced with the larger ones) then select “Scaled” instead of “Hot” or “Active”.
If you’re sick of politics and tech then subscribe to communities you like and sort by “Subscribed” instead of “Local” or “All”. Look here for relevant communities:
These are currently active (except for the ones with a * which were less active last I checked)
Most of these are currently active. (except for the ones with a * which were less active last I checked). Sometimes politics sneaks in but that’s not the focus.
Yeah, my first thought was wireless hotspot from a cell phone. Tho I’m on a plan with very little data bc I’m mostly on wifi.