@SamVimes - eviltoast
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Likely answer —we’re being nerds and reading too much into it.

    —3 lbs of thrust isn’t going to be happening, speaking from experience with model planes.
    —3lbs of the air inside is compressed and weighs more is even farther from possible.

    —It only has the battery, fan, whatever when it’s running, and they don’t count that when it’s uninflated for some reason. Like how cars have dry weight, curb weight, and gvrw.
    —somewhere in the spec sheets, someone made a mistake, two people worked on things and rounded differently, some other clerical/communicative error.

  • I definitely recommend Baba Is You and FEZ as well. Similarly to FEZ there is a mobile game Monument Valley (and Monument Valley 2) which I adore. It’s spendier in $/time, but I find is highly worth it.

    Bastion isn’t a 2D game, but I’d like to recommend it while I’m at it, it’s play is perhaps close enough, and it’s stunning.

  • Second tangentially off topic reply by me, but hey, it’s chat.

    Something I encounter more often is rather the opposite. When people come to you with problems, (especially technology related, but it fits all types) it’s often “what’s the solution to this weird specific thing?” and that weird specific thing turns out to be a result of them being part way through solving a problem their own weird way, because they neglected to consider the hammer situation.

    In your case I’d be like if you asked me for skateboard grip tape to attach to the cap because it’s too hard to pull off.

    A good technique is to do what you did, recognize something might be wrong here, and try re-understand the original problem, feel good about recognizing it, not foolish for misunderstanding at first.

  • Depending on context, value is also often required. That can be in the form of nutrition, taste, flavor, preservation, or appearance. Take edible gold leaf, sugar free fairly nutrition free candies, spices, or hot sauce as examples. Their ingredients too, there’s wood fiber derivatives used as fillers sometimes.

    On the flip side, a gold wedding band can pass through a digestive tract quite safely, and is materially identical to edible gold leaf. Generally not considered edible though. A sheaf of printer paper? Not edible. Some small paper wrappings, often edible. Similarly a marble would pass through with no danger unless chewed. In many ways safer than a very strong hot sauce or some baking ingredients. And yet…

    Edible is quite a wiggly term.

  • This is a delight piece of work, and well worth the research needed to make it.

    Sometimes you have to draw a line in the sand about strange low-stakes terminology opinions you’re passionate about.
    I had a similarly passionate “what counts as a jumpsuit” debate not too long ago. The key difference in opinions was about sleeve length.

    I will begrudgingly call a jumpsuit with short sleeves a jumpsuit, but once it has no sleeves at all it cannot hold the title anymore. Jumpsuits were designed as full body garments for jumping out of planes, fancy dress overalls just aren’t jumpsuits, regardless of the slow bastardization of the term fashion has allowed. There’s no great title for it, overalls shares a similar niche but not quite. Romper also comes close, but requires shorts, not full length legs.

    Thanks for the rant.

  • Marlon Williams is easily one of my favorite artists. I love the direction he’s taking his newer music too. Top three from his most recent album for me are Promises, Thinking of Nina, and River Rival. He’s also a truly authentic and kind dude. A+ on stage and off.

    In a totally different flavor, he had a guy called Merk opening for him for part of his recent tour, and he’s got some funky stuff worth checking out.

  • While there is a certain level of innate technical mindedness that people have… Being willing to try to fix it, and the lessons you’ll learn from either fixing it or not is huge. Regardless of outcome hopefully the experience will be somewhat fun and pay dividends in terms of being able to recognize where vacuums get bound up with clogs, hair, etc. Occasional deep cleaning will make all the vacuums in your future live longer and suck harder.

    Projects that are ‘either it gets fixed or tossed’ are great, there’s so little pressure, and so much you can learn.

    Feel free to ask more specific questions if you get deep inside it and come up with them!