I even looked through the article to see if it is mentioned somewhere at least but no. They give a four hour battery as an example but is that representative? Who knows 🤷
I even looked through the article to see if it is mentioned somewhere at least but no. They give a four hour battery as an example but is that representative? Who knows 🤷
Effective at what? Germany capitulated only once it was almost fully occupied (e.g. Berlin, Rhineland). The bombs might have helped by binding resources and demoralizing the population but that didn’t affect the capitulation directly.
“Es gibt keine gesunde Bräunung”? Warum steht da sowas wenn viele Forscher aktuell genau das Gegenteil zeigen, dass Leute zu wenig Zeit in der Sonne verbringen? Meines Wissens nach ist der aktuelle Stand dass Sonne sehr gesund für einen ist solange man Sonnenbrand vermeidet.
Bspw.: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7400257/
Oder auch: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_effects_of_sunlight_exposure
But it only takes 3.5 hours per turkey and a day has 24 of them. So if some people get up at 3am it works out!