So… who did?
So… who did?
I totally agree. Yet I know plenty of people who don’t have a licence and don’t miss it. they usually can ask a friend, if they need car transportation. But you are dependent on someone else. Some make use of others very frequently, in which case it would be nice to recompense a little, for fuel now and then. Because having a licence and a car is very expensive. Which on the other side is a plus point again for them selves. Because you live cheaper.
Martin Freimann
Don’t be so butthurt! It’s not like I’m saying you should vote for him, in fact I would strongly advise against it. But I have no hope left for the USA with their jurisdiction and political system or their social cohesion. They shoveled their own grave. Their democratic system is flawed and corrupted to no end. I’m simply hopeless that he won’t become president again. Be it now or the next time. It’s always the worst time for him to be in power. The problem won’t be solved until he won’t be able to candidate again. And I don’t believe there will be another solution but that he was president a second time or he dies.
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This is in German and looks at Germany only. The comparison from page 10 on is very interesting. They look at microplastic emissions. Spoiler: shoes (109) have higher emission than bikes (15,6).
Wind Turbines have even less (0,02). I’m mentioning that, because some people here seem to think, that wind turbines are bad for the environment because they have abrasion…
There is also tyre wear particles to be considered! /s
That’s only their Facebook “friends”
We had this kind of test, too. I guess it’s a popular way of teaching this lesson of “read the whole f*cking instructions! That’s why someone wrote them down for you!”
But Why? What should I Google to find Infos about it?
Can someone explain please? We had this in school, but my friend here forgot what this was about.
May I introduce you to British abomination food: Weetabix
Ich dachte dieses Loyalitäts Zeug gilt nur für Beamte? Oder was geht damit einher, wenn so etwas im Arbeitsvertrag steht?
Mich nervt das ganze Grünen Bashing selbst. Und ich bin auch der Meinung, dass sie an einigen richtigen Stellen Kompromisse eingegangen sind. Aber sie stehen meiner Meinung nach definitiv schon lange nicht mehr zu ihren Grundwerten.
It seems I am out of the loop about gravity. How is it “unexplained”? Seems pretty straight forward (or “downward”) to me.
Das ist doch die Standard Masche der AfD und der Rechten im Allgemeinen. Einfach komplett die Rollen verdrehen. “Wir sind die Opfer”, “Wir dürfen nicht sagen was wir wollen”, “Lügenpresse”, “Ihr grenzt uns aus”, “es gibt einen linksruck im Land”, “Ausländer sind gewalttätig”, “ihr seid antidemokratisch, wenn ihr gegen eine gewählte Partei seid”… mir fällt bestimmt noch jede Menge mehr ein. Alles Dinge die tatsächlich auf sie selbst zutreffen, bzw. genau umgekehrt sind.
It’s a design choice! Engelbert & English probably thought real hard about this little “offset”. To bring in more dynamic or something!
Ich nehme an das kommt darauf an zu wessen Gunsten es eine “gute” Wahl sein soll. Für rechtsextreme Rassisten? Definitiv. Für die Opfer, die Angehörigen und allen die an der Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit interessiert sind? Wohl kaum.
Thank you