Ivan Torrent - Onyria
This guy makes amazing epic music. Can’t recommend him enough. All his other albums are great as well.
22Yo from the Netherlands, Electrical Engineering, Woodworking & Gaming
Ivan Torrent - Onyria
This guy makes amazing epic music. Can’t recommend him enough. All his other albums are great as well.
To be fair, they didn’t say they would respond with a yes…
I agree, but having a teacher that brings the language in a good way is also really important. I had french lessons for 6 years in highschool. I always barely passed and didn’t like it. In the final year I got a teacher who taught it in a different manner. Now I like to learn it, and have a Duolingo streak of 658 days. I now have way more of a feeling for the language and don’t just immediately implode when trying to translate a sentence.
I was like you, the transition was not easy, but what helped me was to brush my teeth when I already went to the bathroom to pee. This meant that I rarely brush my teeth at the same time. But I do it every night now. This also helped me reduce my snacking after 20:00. Because I didn’t want to snack after brushing my teeth. I convinced myself I was going to do this and ever since I only missed 2 nights. What also helped is using a tracking app where I could check it to “gameify” it.
You do it like this: Hey wanna go for a Japan trip with me?
I hate this pop up, I had to re-signin every day into outlook with my private Microsoft email address. EVERYDAY, THEY ARE BOTH MICROSOFT PRODUCTS. HOW CAN YOU FUCK THIS UP SO BADDD?
Me too
Madison Beer - Make You Mine Worked great to zone out and go into hyperfocus.
Just signed, thanks for sharing!
Landings not guaranteed.
Lmao, that one got me.
Vorige week mee gedaan met de Shell Eco Marathon in Nogaro Zuid Frankrijk (a.k.a. greenwashing). Het was erg leuk en heb veel nieuwe mensen ontmoet. Ik heb toen wel liefst 1 nacht thuis geslapen voordat ik met mijn nichtje naar Wenen ben gereden (daar ben ik nu) om haar laatste spullen mee naar huis te brengen in NL. Deze 2 weken zijn druk druk druk. En veel zitten in de auto (4800km totaal).
It’s the best for normal users (price vs performance), not for VR pros or the best experience possible.
Mandatory: fuck Facebook / Meta
I have premium and use revanced, I agree.
I second this I’ve got a remarkable 2, it’s great.
+1 op ministerie van Infra en water. Echter moet er dan wel goede locale input kunnen komen. Want ik kan mij nu al een toekomst voorstellen waarbij er allemaal plannen worden bedacht in den haag/randstad waar totaal geen rekening is gehouden met hoe het op het platteland werkt.
Verder zou ik nog iets toe voegen van dat medewerkers ook echt het OV waar zij over besturen moeten gebruiken. Dan hebben zij zelf ook een betere inzicht. Dit zal lastig zijn vanwege meerdere redenen maar wel goed voor de algemene kwaliteit van het OV.
De quote van Upton Sinclair is erg toepasselijk hier: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
I thought that was just a meme name. Not like a real one.