@MercuryRiver - eviltoast
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I would say…this is cool for communication in general, but it doesn’t seem to help at all with flirting. Even the comments seem kind of like how I feel after watching.

    Sure, knowing is important, but how do you get to the knowing part? How do you understand that it even is flirting, how do you “get on the same wavelength”? How do you communicate subtly without being misunderstood? How can you be confident that your message was received, what are the signs?

    Video is a good first note: consent in communication is key, but it doesn’t really offer much more.

  • I guess I was asking broadly because last I heard anything about it was shortly after release when there was so many missing compatibilities, lots of things broken and unfinished, and everyone was hands down saying don’t touch it with a ten foot pole. It sounds like it has gotten a little better, enough for some people to be fine with it, but by the majority of the replies it sounds like it still isn’t “done” or is never going to be. All your information was helpful and I haven’t read elsewhere so thanks!

  • Really depends on what you don’t like about DnD.

    Not a fan of the prep work? Everything you need to know is written in game, no research necessary.

    Not a fan of the mechanics? They’re still here, but feels pretty streamlined/approachable. The most DnD thing here I’d say is…rolling? I don’t see a lot of games where you roll dice for a chance at success. If you don’t like that mechanic there’s some stuff in game to make it easier to succeed at the things you care about and if that’s not enough you can always quicksave/quickload and retry.

    Not a fan of the tabletop nature of DnD? Well this is a video game that feels like…a video game.

    Not a fan of the role-playing aspect? I’m not sure you’d like it then. It’s definitely a story driven game not a hack n slash.

    Not a fan of the setting/races/lore? Yeah don’t play.

    So you could potentially still like the game, but it really depends.