Ya you’re right that one is much tricker.
If you take the direct route via Dectus lift you will miss her unless you take that particular route to Volcano Manor.
If you climb the precipice, she’s in line of sight when you approach the grace… but still easily missable if you’re panic feeing to the grace from the Lansseax ambush.
Tangentially, I once thought Goldmask’s hat was a pvp reward because I only ever saw invaders wear it. I never saw him the first time I played haha.
Kale if we can count his cut dialog about the history of the nomadic merchants.
Otherwise Diallos. He lost his maiden, he joined the wrong gang, he lost his brother (to that same gang!), and finally redeems himself to save Jarburg. One of the few quests with closure. Insert “Fire Spur Me” gesture 💪