@LucidNightmare - eviltoast
  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • I think it just depends on your body.

    Worked night shift most of my life until recently, and never had any issues with it. Actually miss the emptiness of the roads and how little was going on while I was working.

    I had to move to days a few times since the factory was closing night shift near Christmas time, and worked that no problem either.

    Working days seems to drain me more so than any night shift position ever did. And I’m working an easier job now! It’s quite wild honestly.

  • Yep.

    This is because one party has actively went against education tooth and nail. (except for THEIR kids, who get to go to schools that teach them how to take advantage of people who don’t have the best education like they do) - ReDUMBlicans

    The other party has been too busy trying to find common ground and taking the higher road to even get the fools who vote for people like Trump and their ilk a view of how crazy their little imaginary team is. - Democrats

    The good news is that I watched the entire debate, and was satisfied enough with Kamala’s performance.

    I will say that I don’t think giving people child tax cuts is cool in my book, because people like me have chose to not have kids because of the current whacko bullshit that the entire world is gulping down right now. I detest people having kids in this current environment getting money for being selfish to the future of their kids, but I’m still all for Kamala. She did good!

  • I think that would be true, sure. The biggest issue I’ve seen, and after reading some of your comments about the SMB movie, they could’ve knocked it out of the park by:

    1: Taking the IP, and it’s respective audience, seriously and making sure it is faithful enough.

    2: Keeping it FULLY 3D animated.

    The fact they felt the need to pay these people for their faces, and (debatable) talent, they could’ve made the entire movie in animation and THAT would have definitely kept the respective audience more interested.

    I’ve been saying it since the '10s, but not everything needs “real” actors and live action acting. Voice actors with quality animation can do just as good, if not better, for these types of movies. It’s just that it’s a cash grab, and the fact that culture seems to be dead, that we can sit here and objectively shit on it as adults.

  • I recently started doing this for all of my games! It helps a TON when modding, and for general “Okay, cool. I’ve seen this 10 times now!” moments. It’s especially helpful when you click Play on Steam, and it just boots to the game main menu screen.

    I don’t mind watching them the first time, as I used to watch all the actual video game intro videos for my PS2/Gamecube/Wii/etc. My problem is after the first or second time, just stop fucking showing them!