@Etterra - eviltoast
  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Sounds fake, but okay. Also that’s not how genetics works - no matter what your kid looks like, they’re still 50% of each parent.

    An old friend of mine’s sister got knocked up by her then-boyfriend, a 6-foot+ hulk with coal black skin. The baby came out white and curly blonde, although as she got older he features started to reflect her father’s looks more, and her hairline is kinda weird.

  • Now if he’d just tossed the stick at it longwise so that it touched several wires at the same time, it might get a result. I’m personally not sure how much a reaction you’d get out of dry wood with 10,000 volts. Stripping the bark off of green stick with definitely be better, or a wet stick. Although if electricity arced through the stick at least it probably wouldn’t kill him because of the amount of resistance that stick has.