Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers!
Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers!
Yeah, I mean all the cancer kids who got duped by the cancer charity that Trump and his kid defrauded are dead now anyway. That makes it a victimless crime, right?
Things aren’t looking good. I still have hope that the CIA/military will intervene before he takes office, but not much. I’m hoping that when he completely screws the pooch with the economy, and the housing markets crash in a year or two, his own supporters will take him out,
If we’re lucky the Republicans will have learned nothing, and will get mired in petty infighting and stupid bullshit political theater until the mid terms, and people are pissed enough to flip the house\senate. But the judicial appointments are going to put the shackles on future administrations, and progressive policy for decades unless the problem of extremist judges is addressed successfully
Yeah, the only immigrants I know of that need deporting are the ultra rich shit bags who overstayed their visas, dodge their taxes, and try to buy their way into government positions. Basically the people that Trump cozies up to the most.
Maybe it will fix whatever got broke the first time
Assholes who do the least amount of work and take 95% of the profit can’t figure out why the people who actually make the company money see them as parasites.
Maybe have your Private jet fly you up a few thousand feet higher for a better view and you might be able to figure it out. Fucking assholes.
It won’t be enough to eliminate the CEO’s. You’ve got to get the whole c suite and their kids. That should give them the perspective they need.
I’ve worked in healthcare for over 20 years, and the fact is that licensed, well trained, and caring individuals are forced to waste hours a day getting ‘approval’ from non-licensed high school educated insurance reps to try and justify their treatments. There can be entire departments dedicated to just dealing with insurance companies at pretty much every hospital, but often times insurance companies will only talk with the actual clinicians that care for patients.
The entire practice is fucked. First of all non-licensed non-medical people should not be dictating the treatment of care. Whether it’s directly or by means of denying coverage. Second of all there should be absolutely no way that they should even be allowed to look at your private medical records. And finally when it comes to something like auto insurance there are laws that insurance companies cannot steer customers to certain repair shops or dealerships. And yet when it comes to our health, health insurance companies are able to set up elaborate networks that essentially do the exact same thing they steer customers to certain institutions and prohibit them from going to others.
The entire setup of our health care industry seems like it would be at odds with most of our well-established laws regarding insurance, PHI Access, and delivery of medical care.
This is going to become more and more of a problem since the working conditions are burning out clinicians at alarming rates
No we don’t want to eat them, they’re probably all stringy and loaded with drugs. Just slaughter them
Just FYI give send go is a Christian fund raising site that supports January 6th rioters, and it sounds like they are going to use the donation money for other cases. I disputed the charge on my card and got it refunded after I learned that
It sounds like Bret really idolizes that CEO. I hope he guys the same treatment
No kidding, he just lied his ass off like he always does and the dickless MAGAT drones just slurped that jizz right up without ever stopping to think about how insanely fucking stupid the promis was to begin with…
Lol, I’ve been waiting for this since day 1! Also, have they started selling the realistic ‘celebrity’ stocking face masks with his picture on them yet?
I mean, based on those supreme court ruling, Biden would be able to just ‘remove’ the conservative justices and have trump and his co-conspirators tried for treason by the military as an official act due to national security concerns. The judges would have to take their case to the supreme court that they would no longer be sitting on. The most reasonable ruling would be that due to the previous precident that was just set, Biden would have immunity for that official act, and so he violated no law/precident at the time, but that moving forward presidents would not be immune from prosecution. The judges are still out of the SC, and Trump wouldn’t be president. Declare martial law until a new election can be held and pack the court with recess appointments before the next election.
Given that Trump is a massive national security concern, and has previously requested that our advisaries interfere with our elections, as well as personally interfering with our elections, oh and he also paid for the travel and hotel rooms of the main organizers of the January 6th Insurrection, which would definitely be considered providing material support to people trying to overthrow the US government.
The people who were worried about violence if Trump lost don’t seem to really understand the gravity of whats happening. There was always going to be violence
Too bad you never had the opportunity stop him, by say, voting on the articles of impeachment presented to the senate by the house.
Moscow Mitch is just as guilty of Treason as Trump and his associates, and people are getting sick of pussy footing around it. He fucked around, it hurt the entire country, and its past due for him to get the Aaron Burr treatment
I mean, when you’ve been actively supressing wages for decades so that you can keep your employees in debt to make them more subservient, you also kind of create a powderkeg of resentment and ill will. They really thought there would never be a spark?
Jury nullification is a completely valid topic/concern to discuss in the context of the alleged UHC CEO shooter.
Pelosi is a fucking joke, and its insane that the democratic party bends over backwards to kiss the ass of a corpse that encapsulates all of their failings, rather than embrace young populists within the party.
Democrats lose when they allow their rich donors and geriatic leadership to make decisions that should be made by the voters, or at least in accordance with the best interest of the voters.