I had a pair of bonded boys and one needed surgery. It was heartbreaking to see how his brother was so hostile and my boy was so confused by it
I had a pair of bonded boys and one needed surgery. It was heartbreaking to see how his brother was so hostile and my boy was so confused by it
If you fall for their shit and die it’s in the contract that your property goes to them and they can claim it as income.
You didn’t know that? Why else would people become antivaxers??
I thought it was the three branches of science? Dinosaurs, Nukes and Aerodynamics?
To be honest I don’t think Harris lost for that. Palestine and appearing as a corporate candidate screwed her. Maybe she could’ve limped by but she just made herself the establishment against an anti establishment candidate didn’t work. They really tried to run on nothing is gonna change and we’ll still bomb the brown kids. And if liberals can’t make change, they won’t go to vote
Compared to how many they sent and the at least public promise they wouldn’t really be fighting that’s a lot.
Dumbest shit trying to portray this as a defense of the border.
My fuckin god. You poison and bomb all those countries, you’re responsible for the migration it caused bozo
Uh huh…
What makes you so sure people from other places are that much more likely to want to hurt you than people from this very country?
Because I literally met and interacted with the people you’re saying are trying to erase me lol. And originally your first comment is just a stray shot out of your ass.
Roll my God damn mother flipping eyes bro
oof only a bronze in mental gymnastics from the judges over here, it appears they criticize the blatant reaching for straws and you know with them bold face ignorance never works.
haha ok incel
If this was true China would be losing its shit over american weapons rolling into the hands of a apparently minority political movement.
Roll my eyes, answer right in front of you and you’re still blind. Lmfao.
Nah straight up this women doesn’t deserve any of this flak and at this point people still memeing on her are fuckin dweebs
Why are these fuckin incels defending this shit lmfao. Grr hat dance wimen?
“The reason we did that is because we were notified that there were applications from other parties trying to trademark my name and image for commercial purposes,”
No. Do not let anyone copyright someone else’s name. What the fuck are you doing?
Again ACAB but Rikers isn’t owned by the NYPD and although both operate under the governing bodies of New York it doesn’t really gain that much ground in this discussion because the point is the NYPD will not do what Russia would do. Again, if this is a foreign adversary I do in fact trust the NYPD over them. I trust a rabid guard dog over a polar bear that is mad at me, especially if the polar bear is probably also mad at the guard dog too. The enemy of my enemy and all that.
I didn’t even say he wasn’t killed.
in other part because of poor reading comprehension
uh huh
how old are you Mr jumps to defend what the article says and then backpedal?
I think that’s a stretch. It’s easy to call people fascists and Nazis and cops absolutely are a huge part of that but to claim individuals are carrying ideals of ethnic cleansing is a huge leap. Meanwhile there are genuinely people in the world, a lot of them, who would do far more harm than the NYPD.
If this is a lone actor or a group terrorist group plotting, an enemy state, even if it is covert mission my own government or a friendly government is doing I might still trust the NYPD over them. I’ve literally gone to NYC and spoken to individual officers on multiple occasions. ACAB absolutely but your logic isn’t sound bro
They just fell out of a window. The news said. Supported by other state apparatuses.
Now I’m not really running around believing this kid was killed I truly dunno him or this situation enough but to read one article about something like this and just take it at face value isn’t it. Look at Boeing I think three whistleblowers died in connection to them, look at Edward Snowden, look at how people act in the Trump administration, they were afraid to be whistleblowers. There’s a slew of assassinations in the news.
I don’t think it was a suicide, it also could’ve been a suicide but to really plant your feet on your evidence being this article. I dunno bro I think it’s a little foolish.
I’d rather deal with the NYPD than idk maybe an aggressive foreign actor especially one that wants me ethically cleansed.
ACAB sure but lol
I hated that movie it felt unsettling for some reason