You got answered on r/mikrotik ?
You got answered on r/mikrotik ?
Ok it sounds bizarre that it all worked but the weird results over the powerline when you added the router.
Does the quest work with the pc without internet? Just the 6g router.
The 6g is a full router it’s not an Access point that has ethernet ports?
If you plug the power line direct into your pc do you have internet?
You need to separate things here a bit.
I’m confused when you’re mixing ssid and physical wired ethernet.
Is the pc wireless? Or wired? If wired with powerline do you disable WiFi?
I got powerline adapters because the WiFi mesh I had was getting crushes(makes sense airwaves are saturated) back haul is now powerline and I don’t have to run cables. Was going to put one out in the garage too.
I’d thought the powerline would be lower latency to the router than wireless but wifi6 is really good.
I don’t have USA links sorry but that’s the general gist
Vyos which edgerouters use
But maybe get something that’s not edgerouter
There’s mikrotik too
Finally you could look up bonded wan which would give you a 2 Gbps connection…
10" racks
Consolidate power might not be possible 12v? Even 20amps is 4-6 computers. Just get 10" pdu’s they have 3 plugs. I know there’s 17 computers and 3 switches that’s like 7 pdu’s…
20 shelves
2x 10u 10" racks…
You’ll need to have a 10u empty to keep going for expandability.
One continuous file or multiple smaller files?
One large file should transfer a lot faster.