Same thing I did yesterday. Practice piano.
Same thing I did yesterday. Practice piano.
Piano! Call me basic, I do not care! Versatile, beautiful, fun to play. I could talk for hours about it.
Won conference championships in indoor and outdoor collegiate track and field. Ran a half marathon after years of chronic knee problems. Won a piano competition and performed with a full orchestra. Wrote a 48 page honors thesis and presented it. Formed a jazz trio. Graduated college. It’s been a cool 365 days, I’m grateful to not know how to pick the best thing.
I did this in 2021. This year I consumed 13 books (7 audio, 6 paper). Wishing you and your love for reading the best!
I second this! When I was in an emotionally abusive relationship this was one of the worst things. I do not have it in me to be available to you 24/7, and I guarantee it will result in the degradation of the relationship. That relationship ended 6 years ago and I still get a trauma response when someone has unreasonable expectations for a response in a non time sensitive conversation.
Family tradition is pizza and wings after church on Christmas Eve!
I think a generally good way to think about it is whether someone is energized or drained by spending time with people. I am a social introvert: I like people, but it takes energy to be with people. When I am drained, I need to be alone. My brother is an extreme extrovert: he actually gains energy from being with people (which seems insane to me).
As an introvert I certainly can get lonely. Just might look different/happen in different circumstances to my extroverted brother.
Now this is podracing. True Jedi complete.
I always remembered the \circ character to be like an “o” that stands for “of”
Philadelphian here…swallowing my vomit after being grouped with new england
Fevertree ginger beer. Strong ginger flavor, not overly sweet like many other ginger beers I’ve tried.