La domanda rimane comunque: dove sono i waffle? Cosa ha da dire sui prodotti per la colazione a base di sciroppo?
La domanda rimane comunque: dove sono i waffle? Cosa ha da dire sui prodotti per la colazione a base di sciroppo?
From an architectural design standpoint, the PS3 is kind of fascinating. It’s impressive how good many of its games still look today.
As you can imagine, while the multi-core design of Cell accelerates emerging techniques such as procedural generation, none of these designs are particularly simple to implement, especially considering game studios prefer codebases that can be shared across different platforms. […]
It appears that even with a supercomputer chip, Sony still had to fetch a GPU to finalise the PlayStation 3. This makes you wonder if IBM/Sony/Toshiba hit a wall while trying to scale Cell further, so Sony had no option but to get help from a graphics company., below is a list of expired invitation codes to a closed network called Bluesky. Identify the pattern that defines them, and generate 50 more.