isn’t screenfetch much older than neofetch?
isn’t screenfetch much older than neofetch?
if you want to add a line in between. And don’t have a fancy text editor
… 4 m - 3 yo enters the room
Imagine that bee, beeing old and tired, send away from the hive, certain to die, starting to hallucinate and suddenly finding the largest amount of sugar water in their whole life. It was probably happy.
I’ve used those batteries to replace various 3xAlkaline appliances just fine. Should work for lithium flash lights. Of course with quiet a limited capacity.
Interesting! What’s the name of that app?
ffmpeg -ss [start] -to [stop] -i in.mp4 -c copy out.mp4
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "crop=out_w:out_h:x:y" out.mp4
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf vflip -c:a copy out.mp4
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "transpose=1" out.mp4
… Not gonna lie - its nice to also have a GUI for this!
Ahaa drüben ist dann wahrscheinlich Reddit? War in der Tat von dem ähnlichen Namen und dem noch nicht fertigem Link verwirrt. Danke für die Info. Coole Sache!
Edit: gefunden
Un was geht es hier? Gibts es wieder?
I reached level 2 on Firefox Mobile. Nice Game - Shocking Sounds!
Why is this down voted so much? I don’t really have a use case for it, but seems like a decent tool to securely get a single Password from a person with whom you don’t plan to set up a more private way of communication.
This is likely part of Frustration-Free Setup.
Bei uns bestaune ich immer häufiger Familien die mit dem “Tern GSD” - mit Clubhouse Gepäckträger am mir vorbeifahren. Gibts auch mit optionalem Kindersitz für die ganz kleinen. Und sogar mit Regendach. Das fährt denke ich eleganter als ein Dreirad mit großer Kiste vorne. Bin aber persönlich noch nicht in den Genuss gekommen damit zu fahren.
deleted by creator
“Wir investieren unsere Zeit in andere für politische Kommunikation relevantere Kanäle wie TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube und WhatsApp.” 😑
Do you have a template for that QR-Code? Also did you tell about this? They are able to block the person and also revert the pixels. (Even though they might be busy rn)